Thoughts dereferenced from the scratchpad noise.

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Case study - debugging race condition in golang

Published at August 19, 2020 · Igor Bagnucki ·  5 min read

In this article, we analyze different approaches to debugging race conditions based on the case study. The most intuitive approach can work, but in reality, there may be better ways to find and fix the problem....

Categories: app-dev

coreboot Fundamentals Training

Published at August 9, 2020 · Kamila Banecka ·  4 min read

coreboot Fundamentals Training is the first step of 3mdeb Firmware Training path. It provides solid grounds for further development towards proficiency in coreboot firmware platform enginering. With this blogpost we are starting coreboot fundamentals mini-course....

Categories: firmware miscellaneous

Dell OptiPlex and coreboot - a story about porting cursed hardware (part 1)

Published at June 24, 2020 · Michał Żygowski ·  7 min read

This post begins a new series telling a story of a stubborn firmware engineer who overcame never-ending amount of obstacles to create a Dell OptiPlex 9010 workstation as open as possible. In this series, you will not only read about the adventures which accompanied the work on the hardware but also you will have a chance to learn the way of BIOS developer....

Categories: firmware