Thoughts dereferenced from the scratchpad noise.

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VMX exit reasons and handlers

Published at January 23, 2020 · Krystian Hebel ·  14 min read

After long break, this is the third post in the hypervisor series. We will see how VMX helps with virtualization of restricted instructions and how Bareflank allows for implementation of handlers for them. At the end we will show how to write and add our own handler....

Categories: firmware

How L4 Genode hypervisor stands against proprietary RTOS solution

Published at January 10, 2020 · Krystian Hebel ·  5 min read

A microkernel is a minimal computer operating system kernel which provides no operating system services at all, only the mechanisms needed to implement such services. A concept is tolerated inside the μ-kernel only if moving it outside the kernel would prevent the implementation of the system’s required functionality. In this article we will show our considerations on using L4 microkernels on VM....

Categories: os-dev

3mdeb roadmap for August 2019

Published at August 19, 2019 · Artur Raglis · Łukasz Wcisło ·  2 min read

Thrilled about what we are doing to change the world right now? Interested in the fancy stuff we make? Check out our plan for August 2019, find out more about our recent projects and stay tuned with the most sophisticated tech-team in the neighborhood....

Categories: miscellaneous

Qubes OS and 3mdeb 'minisummit' 2019

Published at August 7, 2019 · Piotr Król ·  8 min read

In May we had pleasure to meet Marek Marczykowski-Górecki #QubesOS Project Lead in 3mdeb office in Gdańsk. We discussed various #QubesOS, #Xen, #firmware, #coreboot, #security and #TPM related topics. Results of that "minisummit" was presented in following blog post....

Categories: firmware os-dev security