Thoughts dereferenced from the scratchpad noise.

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Music for programming

Published at March 30, 2013 · Piotr Król ·  2 min read

Of course this is strongly associated with personal taste but I will write my experience. <> - really great radio station, choose your genre or artist and it will lead you through all variety of this type. unfortunately if you are fan of Iron Maiden, Blind Guardian, prog rock or irish folk you will be bored after 2 hours or less. Sadly not available in Poland {% emoji disappointed %} maybe some proxy will work but I wasn’t able to find one....

Categories: miscellaneous

Tmux multiplexer and vi-like keys in copy-mode

Published at March 19, 2013 · Piotr Król ·  1 min read

So I tried to write second post for my new blog but to effectively work using terminal I need terminal multiplexer. I switched to tmux from screen because I reach point that I can’t do some things in it in easy way and performance was poor. Also activity of tmux developers is better than for gnu screen. I also experienced annoy buffer crashing especially after come back from lock mode or cmatrix much but after reading few articles about alternative for screen I switched to tmux....

Categories: miscellaneous

Short hint for all those who use vim and pathogen

Published at January 15, 2013 · Piotr Król ·  1 min read

Today, after updating my workspace to latest version I encounter below error during vim running. Error detected while processing function pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles: line 1: E121, E116. Quick look on pathogen runtime_append_all_bundles function and I found...

Categories: miscellaneous

Sqlite3 gem not supported on Heroku

Published at November 18, 2012 · Piotr Król ·  1 min read

When I tried to deploy second part of RoR tutorial to Heroku I get this error: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 An error occurred while installing sqlite3 (1.3.5), and Bundler cannot continue. Make sure that `gem install sqlite3 -v '1.3.5'` succeeds before bundling. ! ! Failed to install gems via Bundler. ! ! Detected sqlite3 gem which is not supported on Heroku. !...

Categories: app-dev

Prepare for Ruby on Rails on Debian wheezy

Published at November 18, 2012 · Piotr Król ·  3 min read

I start to learn Ruby on Rails. As always when you learn new programming language toolchain is required. In this tutorial I will try to go through toolchain preparation for my Debian wheezy. Of course I based on Vim as my editor of choice. Second requirement will be using some parts of toolchain in latest greatest version. As a beginner point for learning Ruby on Rails I choose this tutorial. I will try to use their methods of setting environment adding my comments where it is needed....

Categories: app-dev

Mutt tutorial part 4 - html mails, address book and other useful features

Published at May 13, 2012 · Piotr Król ·  2 min read

How mutt can handle mails in html format ? Takling about html mail handling is talking about handling any type of Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. Mutt supports handling for all MIME types in one place for all programs. This place is .mailcap file. Googling a little bit I found below mailcap file configuration (kudos to Bart Nagel). 1 2 3 4 text/html; pandoc -f html -t markdown; copiousoutput; description=HTML Text; test=type pandoc >/dev/null text/html;lynx -stdin -dump -force\_html -width 70; copiousoutput; description=HTML Text; test=type lynx >/dev/null text/html; w3m -dump -T text/html -cols 70; copiousoutput; description=HTML Text; test=type w3m >/dev/null text/html; html2text -width 70; copiousoutput; description=HTML Text; test=type html2text >/dev/null Of course we need to install all applications to make mailcap work correct:...

Categories: miscellaneous

Mutt tutorial part 3 - sidebar, URLs in e-mails

Published at May 13, 2012 · Piotr Król ·  2 min read

Information in this post came from lunar linux page. Kudos to its author. In this post I want to discuss two topics: sidebar and how to open urls form inside mutt. Sidebar is mutt feature delivered in mutt-patched package in Debian. It cause to split standard mutt window in two parts. In first we can find list of folders defined in the $HOME/.muttrc file, second window is a known old window with the list of posts....

Categories: miscellaneous

Mutt tutorial part 2 - secure login

Published at May 13, 2012 · Piotr Król ·  2 min read

This is second post of mutt tutorial series. As in the previous post for below information I need to thank Kousik for posts about gpg and using it with mutt. But probably the most important to simplify this method was Fau comment here. So going to the point of secure login for mutt we need gpg. First of all we need to install it by simply: 1 sudo apt-get install gpg After that we generate our keys by:...

Categories: miscellaneous

Mutt tutorial part 1 - setup IMAP account

Published at May 13, 2012 · Piotr Król ·  3 min read

Mutt is one of those programs that make people call you a linux geek, nerd or a snob. This is because using TUI or command line tools in world of fancy GUI for most people is weird. What’s so great about mutt? I probably still have not found much of its advantages, but at first glance we can notice a few things. First, it keeps Unix convention of small programs for specific task “Make each program to one thing well” or KISS....

Categories: miscellaneous

Vim as a Blogger editor

Published at April 21, 2012 · Piotr Król ·  2 min read

Blogger.vim is a vim plugin for interfacing with Google’s Blogger. Below I will use my workspace git repository. To use this plugin we need pretty new ruby >= 1.9.2 and gems nokogiri and net-https-wrapper. Let’s install latest possible ruby for Debian, before that make sure you have latest updates: 1 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get dist-upgrade And ruby: 1 sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.3 Before we install gems , we need to resolve some dependencies:...

Categories: miscellaneous