This post is split into three sections. The first one is an overview of VMX support for exiting on events that require hypervisor action, then we will take a look at the implementation in Bareflank, and last but not least we will write our own handler.
Previous posts:
- 5 terms every hypervisor developer should know - very basic theory of VMX
- Building and running Bareflank - instructions for building and running Bareflank-based hypervisor on a UEFI platform
VMX operation
Virtualization wouldn’t be possible without hardware support. The processor must be able to switch to a privileged mode when code in VM tries to execute an instruction that can mess up virtualization.
Exit reasons
Many events and instructions can result in VM exit. Some of them are always enabled, others can be controlled by control fields of VMCSs. Support for them vary with processor family, they can be discovered by reading VMX capability MSRs (index 480h and following).
Unconditional reasons for VM exit include:
- RDMSR and WRMSR unless MSR bitmap is used
- most of VMX instructions
- INIT signal
- SIPI signal - does not result in exit if the processor is not in wait-for-SIPI state
- triple fault
- task switches (hardware, including
- VM entry failure
There are too many controllable exit reasons to describe each one separately, but most of them can be classified as one of:
- interrupts or interrupt windows
- I/O ports access
- memory access - controlled by EPT
- HLT/PAUSE and pre-emption timer - useful for multiple VMs running on one physical CPU
- changes to descriptor tables and control registers
- APIC access
Exit reason is reported in VMCS after VM exit, along with exit qualification when necessary.
An important feature added to improve performance is the virtualization of interrupts and APIC. As not all accesses to APIC space results in immediate interrupt, there can be a virtual APIC page. All writes go to this page instead of resulting in VM exit on every access. Only the interrupt itself needs to be run from root operation mode unless it is self-IPI - it can also be virtualized without an exit, as it is limited to one VM. Similarly, not every change in control registers needs to be processed by VMM so they can be masked in VMCS.
Handlers for various exit reasons are the most important part of hypervisors. They can emulate some hardware accesses and pass through the rest of them to the hardware, possibly modifying them along the way.
Almost all VM exits are like faults when compared to normal IA-32 interrupts - state from before exiting instruction is saved, none of the results is stored and saved RIP points to that instruction. Unlike interrupts, the size of instruction is also saved so it can be skipped easily if needed.
An example of a trap-like VM exit (when a state after exiting instruction is saved) is APIC write. Usually there are multiple writes to APIC memory (or MSRs in the case of x2APIC) that only describe an interrupt that will happen later. It is possible to virtualize APIC accesses - data is written to a remapped, virtual APIC page without causing VM exits. Trap-like delivery of this exit reason makes it possible to read all the necessary information from the virtual APIC page, instead of parsing the last write instruction manually.
VMCS does not have fields for general purpose registers - only RIP, RSP, control, segment and system table registers are saved. This is done because not every register will be used by every handler, and saving them takes time, so for performance reasons hypervisors may choose to save this data only when it is necessary.
In VMX, there is only one entry point to the VMM. It is up to the VMM code to read exit reason from VMCS and act accordingly. This entry point is written to the host-state area of VMCS, along with other host registers (RSP, control, segment and system table registers - the same set that was saved for guest state).
After handler finishes, the guest state is restored from VMCS on VMRESUME instruction. Some sanity checks are performed. Events like interrupts might be injected at this point to the guest. Note that the state written to the VMCS might be changed by a handler.
Bareflank implementation
Once again, Bareflank is an SDK. As such, it sometimes puts ease of use and ability to tailor hypervisor implementation to one’s needs above performance.
All of the CPU general-purpose registers are saved on every VM exit, even if they are not used. This doesn’t result in too big performance impact, taking into account that higher-level languages (C, C++) can be used thanks to that.
VM exit for every reason follows the same path initially. It is possible to add handlers for all exit reasons, an option useful for counting exit reasons, but it can impact performance heavily - do not even think about printing every exit reason through UART.
Multiple handlers can be added for every exit reason. They return Boolean value describing whether exit reason was successfully handled by this function or not, or, in other words, if the next handler in a queue should be run. Handlers are called in reverse order than that in which they are added. This is important for at least two reasons: a) more specific handlers must be added after generic one, and b) most often hit handler should be added as the last one.
Interrupt delivery is another place where ease of implementation won with performance considerations. Using default API, events are not directly injected. Instead, they are added to the queue and VM exit on interrupt window (see below) is enabled. Bareflank does not check if interrupt can be injected at the moment, so it ends up with an additional trip to the VM and back. Every transition takes hundreds of clock cycles, some more are required for VMM code. It does, however, allow for easy queuing of events, and helps with a situation when multiple events are being injected on one VM entry. For rationale and better explanation see note in interrupt_window.cpp.
Interrupt window is a period in which CPU can receive external interrupts. They can be received only when RFLAGS.IF = 1, but they are also inhibited for one instruction after STI or MOV/POP SS.
Keep in mind that we are looking at almost a year-old code. It is most likely no longer valid, but I don’t want to change to newer code in the middle of these series of blog posts to avoid confusion. This isn’t a full description of API by any means, it is just a list of methods from vcpu.h which we will be using, along with some of my personal notes.
Advances the vCPU. Always returns true
As said earlier, most of the VM exits are fault-like. Some of them would result
in another VM exit when re-run. This small-but-potent function patches guest RIP
in VMCS by adding the instruction size to it. It is usually used as
return vcpu->advance()
in handlers, hence the return value.
Outputs the state of the vCPU with a custom header
Prints general-purpose registers, control registers, guest address (both linear and physical), exit reason and exit qualification.
Adds an exit function to the exit list. Exit functions are executed right after a vCPU exits for any reason. Use this with care because this function will be executed a lot.
Note the return value of the delegate is ignored
More about delegates below.
Adds an exit handler to the vCPU
Generic way of adding handlers for all defined reasons. Bareflank’s names for
exit reasons can be found in
For most common exit reasons (or those requiring some additional work) there are
specialized add_*_handler()
This method, apart from adding a handler for exit reason, also enables exiting on given port by setting the appropriate bit in I/O bitmaps. Separate handlers can be defined for read and write operations. Notice that it uses a different type for handler delegate - more about it later.
Nothing special about this particular adder, I just listed it to show that some
exit reasons have default handlers. Those are called if all other handlers
returned false
Sets a ‘1’ in the MSR bitmap corresponding with the provided msr. All attempts made by the guest to read/write from the provided msr will be trapped by the hypervisor.
Helper function that enables exiting without installing a new handler. Might be
used along with pass_through_msr_access()
to toggle exiting. If run without
installing a handler, the default handler is used.
Handlers, delegates and info
VM exit lands in
initially, where it just saves guest values of registers and calls
At the point of merging EAPIs to the main tree, this was done with some
assumptions about name mangling, it is no longer the case in newer code.
Apart from exception handling and dumping CPU state in case of not handled exit reason, this function performs two loops:
First one calls all of the delegates added with
vcpu::add_exit_handler(const handler_delegate_t &d)
. The other one goes
through the delegates for the appropriate reason. Note that only the second loop
checks for a return value of delegate and calls vcpu::run()
when true
returned. Without going into too many details, this results in VM entry.
Most VM exits provide more information than just an exit reason. In such a case,
it makes sense to use that information to reduce the number of delegates called.
For example, on exits due to I/O port accesses, port number and direction of
access (in or out) is saved. So, instead of calling final delegates directly,
another layer is added, and a handler from
is called. It is responsible for filling info_t
structure for final handlers,
dealing with string instructions and rep
prefixes and calling handle_in()
, depending on the direction. Only then user-implemented handlers
are called in a similar way to the second loop listed above, but only for the
given port number. If there are no valid handlers for that port (i.e. handlers
that return true
), a default one (added with
) is called.
For I/O, user handlers use delegates in form of
bool handler_name(vcpu *, info_t &)
, where info_t
is defined in
as (original comments removed for clarity - check them for description and
default values; my warnings added instead):
That example was specific for I/O operations, other exit reasons use different
logic in handlers. Internals of them isn’t usually important, but for curious,
they can be found in
directory. What is important, info_t
and delegate function type is different
for other exit reasons. Both of them can be found in another
directory, in header files for appropriate exit reasons.
Our very own handler
Using I/O as an example above wasn’t a coincidence. We are going to play with UART output (port 0x3f8), as it is relatively safe and pretty easy to test. We will start with some simple modifications to the strings printed, like inverting case of every printed letter.
Where to start
Now, the proper way would be to create another directory and showing Cmake that it should use it. As we are building on top of the EFI target from the previous post, adding code to test_efi.cpp is much easier, especially for someone who is not experienced in Cmake.
This file contains a minimal constructor for vCPU. Those two calls are used to set up EPT, suffice it to say EPT is required for Bareflank on top of UEFI (more about it in the next posts). This is where we are going to add our own handlers:
That wasn’t too hard, right? Now, let’s move to implementing those delegates, starting with the read handler. We need to do so even though we won’t do anything in this handler, as there is no way to enable exiting on writes, but not on reads for the given port. Delegates can be private members of vcpu class:
That’s it, thanks to sane default values of info_t
- neither read nor advance
is ignored, so the instruction behaves as expected.
First modification - no output
This one is also easy. Remember write_value
in info_t
? Just set it to true
and we’re done. The value will not be sent through this port anymore from the VM
(Bareflank can still print its messages with e.g. bfdebug_info()
To test it, follow instructions from the previous post. Compare output from VGA and serial.
Second modification - case swap
This one seems easier than it is, actually. Starting with a naive approach:
This kinda works, everything we type is case-swapped, but after pressing the return key Bad Things™ happen…
Second modification - revised
The issue is that UEFI uses
ANSI escape codes to move
around the screen. From table with
terminal output sequences
we can read that those sequences start with ESC [
, followed by some non-alpha
sequence (zero or more decimal numbers and possibly a semicolon), followed by a
single letter. This means that we must pass everything from the initial 0x1B
byte (ESC
) up to and including first letter character unchanged.
At the very beginning of out_handler()
Other possibilities
We presented some more modifications at Embedded World 2019:
Note that this demo included also a handler for CPUID instruction to enable changing current modification on-the-fly, as well as custom UEFI application for performing those instructions. There is also a video from booting Ubuntu with all of its output ROT13-ed:
Those and possibly more handlers are left as an exercise for the readers :)
We just scratched the surface of possibilities given by a bare-metal hypervisor. While our hypervisor doesn’t give the ability to run multiple VMs (yet), it gives us control over what can or cannot be done on a hardware level.
Even such basic handlers can be useful. Imagine that you have a closed-source driver and you want to discover how it initializes hardware. Installing simple handlers with debug output for each I/O port access can be faster than disassembling a binary.
I hope that it will encourage at least some people to follow this subject further. Even though this is the longest post in series so far, I’m far from explaining everything I promised in the summary previously. Hopefully, next posts will be more regular.
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