Conclusions from RAM data remanence tests
Published at February 20, 2025 · 3 min read

A practical summary from the two previous blog posts presenting results of RAM data remanence tests....
Categories: firmware miscellaneous
First impressions on the beta BeagleV - affordable RISC-V SBC
Published at May 6, 2021 · 11 min read

BeagleV is the first affordable RISC-V SBC designed to run Linux. It is fully open-source with open-source software, open hardware design and RISC-V open architecture. This blog post presents the basic functionality of the first batch of the available beta samples released to the community....
Yocto Project and its components as the Reference OS for Dasharo
Published at April 22, 2021 · 4 min read

Let's dive into the most frequently asked questions regarding Dasharo products based on Yocto Project - this blog post will answer what is Yocto and what are the reasons for choosing such a solution...
Categories: firmware os-dev security
Flashing eMMC on Hummingboard Edge using fastboot? part 2
Published at March 8, 2019 · 11 min read

Second part of the HummingBoard Edge flashing guide with the help of fastboot tool. In this post we will get acquainted with U-Boot configuration and fastboot client and try to boot our platform from DRAM, SD card and finally EMMC....
Quick start guide to kas - best tool for setting up the Yocto projects
Published at February 7, 2019 · 8 min read

Introduction If you are using the Yocto Project, you certainly have encountered the hassle of managing multiple layers and tracking their revisions. I’ve been using the Yocto Project for nearly 3 years by now and have mostly been using the tool for this purpose. While I’m not a huge fan of it, it is relatively simple to use and gets the job of fetching layers and controlling their revisions done properly....
Categories: os-dev
debos image for HummingBoard Edge
Published at October 10, 2018 · 8 min read

Intro In my previous posts I have shared my first experience with debos and how to run debos in a container. In today’s post, I’d like to present how can we use all of that to generate base Debian image for an ARM board. My board of choice for this particular example will be the HummingBoard Edge. The post is inspired by the feedback from the new users (such as this one) that there are no end-to-end examples how to quickly start using this tool....
Categories: os-dev
debos in docker - the second attempt
Published at August 23, 2018 · 5 min read

Intro In the previous post, I have shared my first experience with the Debian images builder - debos. I have posted my current results on the issue but since there was no response, I’ve decided to try to move forward by myself. Just to remind - I was stuck at the following error (when building for arm64): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2018/07/26 18:36:39 Debootstrap (stage 2) | chroot: failed to run command '/debootstrap/debootstrap': Exec format error 2018/07/26 18:36:39 debootstrap....
Categories: os-dev
Our first look at debos - new Debian images generator
Published at July 27, 2018 · 8 min read

What is debos debos is quite a new tool allowing easier Debian images generation. It seems to be following current trends - it is written in Go, using YAML as an input format. The idea of taking away debootstrap shell scripts and replacing it with a single, simple YAML file looks tempting enough to give it a try. Full feature description can be found in this introductory post on Collabora’s blog....
Categories: os-dev
Flashing eMMC on Hummingboard Edge using fastboot? part 1
Published at March 20, 2018 · 9 min read

Introduction Flashing an eMMC of produced board is one of the crucial manufacturing procedures. This post series presents how one can take advantage of i.MX6 features and open source tools to prepare themselves with quite robust and easy to use process. Target reference platform is Hummingboard Edge. General concept The general concept is inspired by this great bootlin (former FreeElectrons) post: I’ve run into some issues while trying to do something similar on Hummingbard Edge, so decided to share my experience....
SWUpdate for feature-rich IoT applications
Published at May 21, 2017 · 11 min read
When you work with embedded systems long enough, sooner or later you realize that some sort of update mechanism is required. This is especially true when more complex systems, running with an operating system, are taken into account. Nowadays Linux is being picked increasingly as operating system for embedded IoT devices. In following post we will focus on those in particular. In fact, from my experience update mechanism is vital part of many embedded applications....
Categories: app-dev