
ssh reverse tunnel for PXE, NFS and DHCP setup on Qubes OS

Published at December 5, 2017 · Piotr Król ·  6 min read

At some point I stuck in the forest with WiFi connection and no physical access to router to create nice networking for my coreboot development needs. Recently I switched my laptop to Qubes OS what give interesting flexibility, but also additional problems. My key requirement is to boot system over PXE, so I can easily do kernel development and play with Xen. Because only available connection for my apu2 platform was directly to my laptop I had to provide configured DHCP server and PXE server on it....

Categories: os-dev

Netcat - how to transfer files without scp or ftp

Published at March 12, 2016 · Piotr Król ·  2 min read

One of my recent customers provided me hardware with custom Linux system. Distribution used on this hardware was very limited there was no developers tools, file transfer applications (like scp, ftp or even tftp) or communication clients like ssh. I had to deploy some firmware files to the system without modifying it. This was i386 machine. Of course I could compile something and add this software using usb stick or other stoarge, but what if I would not have direct access to hardware ?...

Categories: app-dev

0x5: Qemu network configuration and tftp for Virtual Development Board

Published at June 7, 2013 · Piotr Król ·  7 min read

Introduction This was not trivial task to me. As usual google is your friend and RTFM works. First we will set tftp which we use to download modified kernel for U-Boot. Second I will show how to setup bridged network for QEMU needs and finally we will perform some basic test of our setup. Let’s go. Setup tftpd First install: 1 sudo apt-get install tftpd tftp Make sure that /srv/tftp is writable for your user....

Categories: app-dev os-dev