This was not trivial task to me. As usual google is your friend
and RTFM
works. First we will set tftp which we use to download modified kernel for
U-Boot. Second I will show how to setup bridged network for QEMU needs and
finally we will perform some basic test of our setup. Let’s go.
Setup tftpd
First install:
Make sure that /srv/tftp
is writable for your user. If directory doesn’t exist
create it and give needed privileges. If you want to change some server options
edit /etc/inetd.conf
. Copy or link our kernel to tftp server directory.
Verify if everything works correctly:
Check if kernel file is in current directory. If yes than you tftp server is configured correctly, if not then google or ask me a question in comments section. Note: For Ubuntu follow instructions from here.
QEMU networking
Update: For Ubuntu users please read this section
I mixed this BKM and few other resources that I found in the net. Setting up network depend a lot on your configuration. I will briefly describe my situation. It is quite possible that this won’t fit yours.
I’ve eth0
with ip
. What I want to do is create another interface
and bridge br0
that will connect eth0
and tap0
. To do this I need
few things:
is provided in Debian bybridge-utils
- check if TUN module was installed
you should get y
or m
, if it is m
than modprobe tun
- create tun device
- update
- use
script to bring up your network:
Give executable permissions for this file:
Restart networking services locally:
This should prepare you environment for tftp booting in qemu.
Ubuntu issues
I had experienced few problems with my Ubuntu 12.04.
First thing was defect that cause looping u-boot during emulation in qemu-system-arm. I checked latest qemu and version delivered in distro repository but qemu wasn’t issue. I tried debug problem with gdb and qemu
-s -S
switches and find out that u-boot crashes at__udivsi3
instruction inserial_init
. I tried to google this issue but found only one comment about this on Balau blog: {% blockquote [Grant Likely]%} For anyone trying to reproduce this, at least on a recent Ubuntu host, you may need to pass “-cpu all” or “-cpu cortex-a8″ to qemu. The libgcc that gets linked to u-boot appears to be compiled with thumb2 instructions which are not implemented in the Versatile cpu. I don’t get any u-boot console output without this flag, and using gdb I can see that the cpu takes an exception during__udivsi3()
called from serial_init(). {% endblockquote %} Problem is at least 2-years old and still occurs. Unfortunately Grant’s tricks didn’t help. I move to toolchain built by my own and problem was fixed. So the moral of the story is: DO NOT USE TOOLCHAIN PROVIDED BY UBUNTU at least in 12.04. -
Second thing also involve a lot of debugging time and when I found workaround it was accidentally. I saw that using procedure correct for Debian on Ubuntu I was unable to obtain any packet inside U-Boot. Network traffic analysis show that U-Boot correctly send DHCP discovery and server reply with DHCP offer, but bootloader behaves like no packet was received. Static configuration also didn’t work. Finally I get to information how to capture traffic from inside of emulated setup (parameter
-net dump,file=/path/to/file.pcap
do the thing). Surprisingly for some reason adding dump param fix problem and U-Boot received DHCP Offer and ACK. I will try to narrow down this problem for further reading please take a look qemu and u-boot mailing list thread.
Verify all components of Virtual Development Platform
So right now we should have built
kernel uImage,
U-Boot image,
configured qemu network
tftp server.
With all this components we can verify if our kernel booting on emulated
Run your qemu with network using U-Boot image as a kernel.
NOTE: We want to use u-boot file instead of u-boot.bin. First is ELF binary
image and second is raw binary. Raw binary image can be used with -bios
parameter for qemu. If you try to give raw binary as a kernel parameter it will
result with error:
NOTE 2: We have to specify versatilepb
machine. If we forget it we will get
Right now we have u-boot booted. Let’s set ip addresses to boot uImage from our
tftp server. For verification needs we don’t want to autoload
image, so we disable this through environment variable.
Set addresses according to your configuration. For some reason I was unable to
use u-boot dhcp
feature. It assign me address that exist in the network.
We can take a close look on out downloaded image with iminfo
and iminfo
should looks like that:
So, that what we want to see. Pretty new kernel 3.9.0-rc8
compiled as ARM
image. We can try to boot it but we will end with kernel panic because lack of
NOTE 3: If you want to see anything after booting this image with bootm
have to pass to kernel additional boot argument with serial device that should
be used as a console. Before bootm
You should get something similar to below log:
This is expected result.
What next ?
We happily built basic virtual development, what we need right now is some initial filesystem.