UEFI Secure Booting FreeBSD with Dasharo firmware


UEFI Secure Boot

UEFI Secure Boot is a security feature designed to provide an infrastructure for UEFI Image load-time authentication. It authenticates OS Loaders, UEFI drivers, and applications. The Platform Owner manages the platform’s security policy and can check the integrity and security of a given UEFI Image.


Mainstream distributions like Ubuntu or Fedora took the approach of using a small, signed bootloader called shim, which is pre-signed by Microsoft. Shim loads the bootloader, which is verified against a certificate embedded in shim, and the bootloader then loads the Linux kernel, also ensuring it is signed and trusted. To put it simply, they can sign their kernel themselves, instead of having to ask Microsoft to sign each kernel update.

Please see this blogpost for more information on this specific subject.

UEFI Secure Boot status on FreeBSD - brief summary

In short, the FreeBSD wiki proposes two stages of UEFI Secure Boot implementation.

First would be to enable booting the system with Microsoft-signed shim and a FreeBSD-signed EFI loader, while also offering users to generate their own keys and certificates.

The second stage would involve having all of the drivers and kernel modules to be signed and authorized, resulting in a locked-down system, as is now possible in the upstream Linux kernel

As of the time of writing this post, the first stage is mostly complete. It is possible to create and sign a complete EFI executable containing the bootloader and the FreeBSD kernel, which can be booted using UEFI Secure Boot.

Now, let’s analyze what the said executable consists of.

FreeBSD UEFI boot process

The regular UEFI boot process on FreeBSD is as follows:


  • UEFI firmware loads boot1.efi
  • boot1.efi in turn loads loader.efi
  • Finally, loader.efi loads the kernel.

The target scenario, according to the FreeBSD Foundation, would be that a cryptographic handshake would verify each transition within the process. That is still under development, and the currently available option is a little less modular.

It is possible to skip boot1.efi and combine the loader and the kernel into one large package, which then can be signed with self-issued keys. The keys are enrolled into Dasharo firmware, which boots the loader-kernel object directly.


Creating a UEFI Secure Boot - ready FreeBSD EFI executable

Please note that this guide assumes that you have a working FreeBSD installation that you wish to modify for UEFI Secure Boot support. Installation of the system will not be covered here.

Determine the loader of choice

There are currently several flavors of the loader.efi available. The original one was written in FORTH. The 14.1 release defaults to a more modern Lua one, the final option being loader_simp - a simplified C implementation. This guide will only provide instructions on using the legacy FORTH loader and the current default. The process has been tested using FreeBSD 14.1.

Copy the boot filesystem

mkdir ~/bootfs
mkdir ~/bootfs/boot
cd ~/bootfs/boot
cp -r /boot/kernel .
cp -r /boot/defaults .
cp /boot/loader.conf .
cp /boot/*.rc .
cp /boot/device.hints .
cp /boot/loader.help* .

Lua loader

mkdir lua
cp -r /boot/lua ./lua

FORTH loader

cp /boot/*.4th .

Copy the fstab

mkdir ~/bootfs/etc
cp /etc/fstab ~/bootfs/etc/fstab

Create an image of the filesystem

cd ~/
makefs bootfs.img bootfs

Determine the size of the boot filesystem. This will determine how much memory to reserve in the loader:

ls -l bootfs.img | awk '{print $5}'

Add a safety factor of a couple hundred bytes (~512) to this number, and record it.

Build the Loader With Extra Space

This step requires you to have the source code for your system. You might have checked the src component during OS installation, then the /usr/src/ directory should be already populated. If not, clone the source code from GitHub, substituting 14.1 with the release you are currently using:

git clone -b releng/14.1 https://git.freebsd.org/src.git /usr/src

Now, recall your bootfs size and substitute ${BOOTFS_SIZE_PLUS_SAFETY} below:

cd /usr/src/stand

Embed bootfs image in the loader.efi

The build results will be available under /usr/obj.

  • If you have chosen to use the legacy FORTH loader, the path to the file that interests you should be similar to /usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/stand/efi/loader_4th/loader_4th.efi.

  • If you have chosen the Lua loader, the path should be similar to /usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/stand/efi/loader_lua/loader_lua.efi

Copy the appropriate file and use the available embedding utility:

cp /usr/obj/${PATH_TO_LOADER}/loader.efi ~/
/usr/src/sys/tools/embed_mfs.sh ~/loader.efi ~/bootfs.img

You might need to make embed_mfs.sh executable:

chmod +x /usr/src/sys/tools/embed_mfs.sh

At this point, loader.efi is an UEFI-bootable binary, consisting of the FreeBSD bootloader and kernel. The last remaining step to UEFI Secure Boot compatibility is generating keys and signing the binary.

Signing the binary

FreeBSD includes a tool for signing EFI executables - uefisign. There is also a utility provided to generate example keys and certificates needed to sign an executable.

You can generate a self-signed certificate and use it to sign a binary as follows:

/usr/share/examples/uefisign/uefikeys testcert
uefisign -c testcert.pem -k testcert.key -o signed-loader.efi loader.efi

As earlier, make sure the script is marked as executable.

You should now have a signed-loader.efi and a testkey.cer file. The loader file is what we’re going to be booting from Dasharo, and the .cer file is our custom certificate we need to enroll, so that UEFI Secure Boot can verify the loader’s signature against it.

Testing in QEMU

To spare yourself the trouble of recovering a broken OS installation, it is recommended to test the binary in an emulated environment.

Make sure you have an up-to-date installation of QEMU on your system, and get the latest QEMU release of Dasharo here. This process has been tested on the v0.1.0 release.

Launching QEMU with an emulated filesystem

Create a directory for the QEMU firmware files, and a directory for the test EFI files:

mkdir -p ~/qemu_test/efi

Download OVMF_CODE_RELEASE.fd and OVMF_VARS_RELEASE.fd from GitHub and place them in the ~/qemu_test directory. Place the signed-loader.efi and .cer files in the ~/qemu_test/efi directory:

cp ~/signed-loader.efi ~/qemu_test/efi/
cp ~/testcert.cer ~/qemu_test/efi/
cd ~/qemu_test

Run Dasharo firmware in QEMU, mounting the EFI directory as a virtual fat drive:

qemu-system-x86_64 -machine q35,smm=on \
    -m 1G \
    -global driver=cfi.pflash01,property=secure,value=on \
    -drive if=pflash,format=raw,unit=0,file=OVMF_CODE_RELEASE.fd,readonly=on \
    -drive if=pflash,format=raw,unit=1,file=OVMF_VARS_RELEASE.fd \
    -global ICH9-LPC.disable_s3=1 \
    -drive file=fat:rw:efi

Enrolling the certificate

Preparing clean UEFI Secure Boot

  1. Press F2 to enter setup setup menu

  2. Navigate to Device Manager/Secure Boot Configuration secure boot menu

  3. Enable Custom Mode secure boot custom mode

  4. Enter the new Advanced Secure Boot Keys Management menu advanced secure boot keys management

  5. Select Reset to default Secure Boot Keys reset to default sboot keys

  6. Select YES

  7. Press F10 to save and Y to confirm f10 save dialog

  8. Reset the platform by pressing ESC twice and selecting Reset

Enrolling the ceritficate

  1. Press F2 to enter setup again setup menu

  2. Navigate to Device Manager/Secure Boot Configuration secure boot enabled

  3. Enable Custom Mode and enter the Advanced Secure Boot Keys Management menu again. advanced secure boot keys management

  4. Navigate to DB Options/Enroll Signature/Enroll Signature Using File/. If the EFI directory is properly mounted, you should see a single entry in this menu, similar to this efi directory entry

  5. Select the entry, and then select testcert.cer testcert.cer

  6. Select Commit Changes and Exit commit changes and exit

  7. Press F10 to save and Y to confirm f10 save dialog

  8. Make sure that Current Secure Boot State is enabled secure boot enabled

  9. Reset the platform again

Booting FreeBSD

  1. Enter setup menu

  2. Navigate to Boot Maintenance Manager/Boot Options/Add Boot Option

  3. Choose the QEMU_VFAT disk label qemu vfat

  4. Find the loader-kernel object. It should be located under <efi>/<freebsd>/loader.efi

  5. Name the entry appropriately, confirm and save the changes.

  6. Say hello to Beastie beastie

Testing on hardware

Upon making sure that the loader-kernel object boots properly within an emulation environment, we can proceed to UEFI Secure Booting FreeBSD on hardware.

To do that, follow the exact same steps as with emulation, the only differewnce being that you will now need to upload the certificate to a USB drive and enroll the certificate from there.

You will also need to place the signed-loader.efi file in your EFI partition, and add it as a custom boot option.

Adding a custom boot option

NOTE: You should always set a Setup Menu password if using UEFI Secure Boot. Otherwise, nothing keeps a bad actor from simply disabling it ;)

  • Enter setup menu
  • Navigate to Boot Maintenance Manager/Boot Options/Add Boot Option
  • Choose the appropriate disk label. They might look intimidating, but you should be able to find the correct one by looking for a familiar keyword. If you have an NVME drive for example, there should be an entry with Pci(0x0,0x0)/NVMe.
  • Find the loader-kernel object. It should be located under <efi>/<freebsd>/loader.efi
  • Name the entry appropriately, confirm and save the changes.



If after booting the signed-loader.efi you land in mountroot, you need to type in zfs:zroot/ROOT/default and add the line


to your /boot/loader.conf.


We have learned how to set up UEFI Secure Boot on FreeBSD, a feature that ensures only trusted, signed software can run during boot to protect against malware. FreeBSD’s implementation involves two stages: using Microsoft’s signed shim bootloader along with a FreeBSD EFI loader, and later securing all kernel modules.

As our approach, we have chosen to bundle the bootloader and kernel into a single EFI executable, then sign it using FreeBSD’s uefisign tool. We have also tested the setup in QEMU before deploying on hardware, ensuring that custom keys are properly enrolled in Dasharo firmware to enable UEFI Secure Boot.

If you want to deepen your understanding of UEFI Secure Boot and explore Intel Root of Trust technologies hands-on, consider joining our DS08MSA: Mastering UEFI Secure Boot and Intel Root of Trust Technologies training. This intensive course provides the operational knowledge and practical skills to work confidently with security technologies for x86 platforms. You’ll learn to handle hardware assessments, configure UEFI Secure Boot, and provision Root of Trust for robust system security; for more details, visit our training page at 3mdeb Training.

Filip Lewiński
Embedded Open Source Firmware Trainee, passionate about Linux, programming, and cybersecurity. Eager to contribute to and learn from the open-source community.