If you haven’t read previous blog posts from the TrenchBoot series, I strongly encourage you to catch up on them. The best way is to search under the TrenchBoot tag. This blog post will describe the concept of the IETF Remote Attestation Procedures (RATS) and implementation of CHAllenge-Response based Remote Attestation (CHARRA) with TPM 2.0 for TrenchBoot.
Remote Attestation Procedures Architecture (RATS)
The Remote Attestation Procedures (RATS) describe the methods of trustworthiness verification of an attested device (the “attester”).
The verification proceeds on the basis of believable evidence. The verifier checks the endorsement from endorsers, reference values, and the evidence against the appraisal policy from the verifier owner.
The endorsement is a secure statement that the attester can use to sign the evidence. For example in the TPM2 context endorsement will be the attestation private key. It confirms the integrity of a public key, which is used to verify the signature of the Evidence.
To generate the attestation result the verifier uses the reference values, which determine the exact values or boundaries of the evidence data. The reference values might be included in the appraisal policy that specifies the constraints that must be satisfied by the evidence.
The verifier sends the attestation result to the “Relying Party”, which decides whether the attester is trustworthy.
The IETF RATS specifies also basic models for communication between an Attester, a Verifier, and a Relying Party. The Passport Model and Background-Check Model are described in details in the IETF document. In this blog post, I will describe the architecture and proof of concept implementation of the CHAllenge-Response based Remote Attestation (CHARRA).
CHAllenge-Response based Remote Attestation with TPM 2.0
The Reference Interaction Models for Remote Attestation Procedures focus on the interaction models between the attester and verifier in order to convey the Evidence.
In the beginning, the attester generates the values about its state and creates the claims. Claims are assertions that represent characteristics of an attester’s target environment. The attester may consist of one or more target environments. The target environment represents the part of the attested device that could provide claims about its state. For example, it could be read-only memory of BIOS, an updatable bootloader or an operating system kernel, etc.
The attestation process is initiated by the verifier. It sends the remote attestation request to the attester. The request includes a handle, a list of authentication secrets IDs, and claim selection. The handle is composed of strongly randomly generated data (nonce), which guarantees Evidence freshness. Authentication Secrets IDs specify the target environment, which must provide the evidence. Claim selection tells the attester which claims should be included in the evidence.
In the next step, the attester collects the selected claims and on this base, it generates the evidence. The attester sends to the verifier the message, which consists of the evidence and the event log. The verifier appraises the evidence and it creates the attestation result, which should be passed to the Relying Party.
More information about the Reference Interaction Models for Remote Attestation Procedures is presented in the IETF document.
Proof of Concept Implementation of the CHARRA
The Fraunhofer SIT provides the proof-of-concept implementation for CHARRA. The Verifier and the attester are two separate instances that provide functionalities that were described above. The proof-of-concept implementation assumes that the verifier and the attester are running in the same docker container. Though we cannot say that is the remote attestation. The verifier and attester are using the TPM Simulator instead of a physical one.
Our goal is to provide the CHARRA for physical TPM and separate the attester and verifier.
Separation of the attester and verifier
As I mentioned before the proof of concept (PoC) implementation of the CHARRA uses the docker container to provide and appraise evidence. Attestation data is obtained via a TPM Quote function. It provides the quote and signature for the given list of PCRs. In the PoC case, the attester and verifier generate separates keys. In that case verification of TPM quote and signature will work only when the keys are generated by the same TPM device. Otherwise, the evidence verification will fail due to a mismatch of the attestation identity key. To separate the instances we need to verify the signature and attestation data with the attestation public key.
In the PoC implementation, there is no endorser and key registration system.
Every time the verifier sends the attestation request, the attester is
generating the new attestation key based on the nonce. We need to obtain and
send to the verifier TPM public key that is used to generate the TPM quote. TPM
API (Esys) during the key creation allows obtaining the public and private part
of the attestation key. We added to the charra_key_mgr
the additional
parameter that conveys the public key to the attester.
The communication between attester and verifier is provided by libcoap library. It is the C implementation of the Constrained Application Protocol. Currently, the communication between the attester and verifier is constrained by a maximum transmission unit (~1500 bytes). The block-wise transmission is in the development plans. Though we need to fit the public key with the TPM signature quote and attestation data in the single transmission package. The following snippet adds the attester public key to the attester response.
Following code allows the verifier to unmarshal the public key from the attestation response.
The verifier must not create its key. Once it will receive the attester public key, it must set the handle in its TPM context.
The following function allows to load external key and it creates key_handle
that is used for the TPM signature verification.
The full scope of changes is available in the following pull request.
Using CHARRA with TPM device
The PoC CHARRA implementation is using the TPM simulator provided in the docker container. To use CHARRA with the physical TPM we have created the Yocto layer
- meta-trenchboot-attestation, which provides the required libraries, that are used by attester and verifier. The Yocto Project (YP) is an open source collaboration project that helps developers create custom Linux-based systems regardless of the hardware architecture. meta-trenchboot builds the image which contains the TrenchBoot utilities.
Proof of concept
To proof the following concept we used the ASRock 4x4 Box R1000V with physical TPM as the attester and the PC with TPM simulator as the verifier. Note that you need dTPM. Unfortunately, fTPM included in newer AMD CPUs is not good enough. The following logs and videos show the attestation process.
In the beginning, the attester is starting up. Then it initializes the CoAP communication and waits for the attestation request. When the attester receives the request, it creates the TPM attestation key and collects selected PCRs. With this data, the attester provides the TPM Quote and signature for a given list of PRCs. In the next step, the attester creates the response, which includes attestation data, signature, and the public part of the attestation key. The message is marshaled into a single package, and the attester sends it to the verifier.
The verifier initializes the CoAP communication and sends the attestation request to the attester. Then it waits for the attestation response. When the verifier receives the message, it loads the external public key. The verifier uses the external key handler to appraise the TPM Quote signature. If there is no error during the verification process, it shows the message that attestation is successful.
Next steps
Right now the verifier checks if the TPM Quote signature created by the attester is valid. In the future, we will add the policies that will verify if 17th and 18th PCR in the SHA1 and SHA256 banks are compliant with reference values.
Also, we want to create a system of registration attestation identity keys that will verify integrity for public keys. In the target solution attester won’t send the public key. It will be conveyed by the endorser.
The verifier should be able to start the attestation process, when device wants to be attested as soon as it starts. This is particularly useful for a large number of devices. It is easier to use a single known attestation server IP than multiple attesters addressees.
Currently, we are upstreaming the changes that were made during the development stage. Here is the list of current and merged pull requests:
If you are looking for the basic implementation of the TPM attestation with the shell commands, I encourage you to take a look at the tpm2-software community tutorial - Remote Attestation With Tpm2 Tools If you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas, feel free to share them in the comment section. If you are interested in similar content, I encourage you to sign up for our newsletter.