Previous article showed how to enable DRTM on PC Engines apu2 platform and NixOS operating system. As project is constantly developed by us, there are regularly new features implemented. This article is showing how to update your DRTM and verify next project’s requirements. Also, we will show you new custom Linux image with DRTM enabled.
Remember, that typically, new updates should be published every month as form of following blog posts and they will develop already configured system components. Therefore, we strongly encourage to keep project up-to-date and keep track of TrenchBoot blog posts series. If you haven’t read previous articles, we recommend to catch up. At this point, we have already introduced project’s motivation and goals. Moreover, we have shown what platform and operating system we use for development and tests. Finally, we have enabled DRTM on our platform and prepared exact step-by-step procedure, so you can enable it too!
What’s new
We have made following changes since last release:
- general DRTM update in NixOS (including landing-zone, Linux kernel and Grub)
- enabled DRTM in Yocto custom Linux built - meta-trenchboot
- introduced CI/CD system to build each TrenchBoot components
First two from above points is described with details later in this article. It is divided into sections:
- Update DRTM in NixOS
- Enable DRTM in custom Linux built
Depending on specific section, there are already met project’s requirements mentioned and ways to verify them.
CI/CD system is rather comprehensive topic, so we decided to describe it in separate article.
Update DRTM in NixOS
Since last release, there are improvements in landing-zone, grub and Linux kernel. All of these components should be updated. Following procedure is showing how to do this properly.
Remember, that everything is done in NixOS and further verification is done for system precisely configured this way.
IMPORTANT: We needed to replace 16 GB SSD disk with 32 GB one. It’s because during system update, there were issues with space left and update didn’t finish. Therefore, remember to have at least 32 GB disk.
repository.1 2 3
cd ~/nixpkgs git branch trenchboot_support_2020.04 git pull
repository.1 2 3
cd ~/nixos-trenchboot-configs git branch master git pull
Copy all configuration files to
cp nixos-trenchboot-configs/*.nix /etc/nixos
Update Linux kernel.
Linux kernel update must be done separately due to out of memory error which might appear when entire system is rebuilt.
nix-build -v -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; callPackage ./linux-5.5.nix {}'
Update entire system.
1 2 3
$ sudo nixos-rebuild switch -I nixpkgs=~/nixpkgs building Nix... building the system configuration...
Find new
Landing Zone
package in/nixos/store/
.1 2 3 4 5
# ls /nix/store/ | grep landing-zone 5a6kapnjxs8dj4jp49qagz1mw2r6hnr2-landing-zone-debug-0.3.0 l1b2h84fdw8g0m9aygmv8g3nhbnw9kic-landing-zone-debug-0.3.0.drv lf763br9hm0ipp76k2p16iq75x3xpgrm-landing-zone-0.3.0 mnbh5xahlbzmfa50r60y5z4lph9rd41k-landing-zone-0.3.0.drv
Choose directory with newest package. Debug or non-debug version doesn’t matter, it is up to your preferences. In our case it is
. -
cp /nix/store/lf763br9hm0ipp76k2p16iq75x3xpgrm-landing-zone-0.3.0/lz_header.bin /boot/lz_header
Notice, that file
changed its name tolz_header
without .bin extension. -
file and itsNixOS - Default menu entry
. Adjust/etc/nixos/configuration.nix
and itsboot.loader.grub.extraEntries
line to have exactly the same directories included.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
$ cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg (...) menuentry "NixOS - Default" { search --set=drive1 --fs-uuid fdd9e92a-3d69-4bde-8c39-167ff7fba974 search --set=drive2 --fs-uuid fdd9e92a-3d69-4bde-8c39-167ff7fba974 linux ($drive2)/nix/store/3w98shnz1a6nxpqn2wwn728mr12dy3kz-linux-5.5.3/bzImage systemConfig=/nix/store/3adz0xnfnr71hrg84nyawg2rqxrva3x3-nixos-system-nixos-20.09.git.c156a866dd7M init=/nix/store/3adz0xnfnr71hrg84nyawg2rqxrva3x3-nixos-system-nixos-20.09.git.c156a866dd7M/init console=ttyS0,115200 earlyprintk=serial,ttyS0,115200 loglevel=4 initrd ($drive2)/nix/store/7q64073svk689cvk36z78zj7y2ifgjdv-initrd-linux-5.5.3/initrd } (...)
content as aboveconfiguration.nix
must haveboot.loader.grub.extraEntries
line like this:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
$ cat /etc/nixos/configuration.nix (...) boot.loader.grub.extraEntries = '' menuentry "NixOS - Secure Launch" { search --set=drive1 --fs-uuid fdd9e92a-3d69-4bde-8c39-167ff7fba974 search --set=drive2 --fs-uuid fdd9e92a-3d69-4bde-8c39-167ff7fba974 slaunch skinit slaunch_module ($drive2)/boot/lz_header linux ($drive2)/nix/store/3w98shnz1a6nxpqn2wwn728mr12dy3kz-linux-5.5.3/bzImage systemConfig=/nix/store/3adz0xnfnr71hrg84nyawg2rqxrva3x3-nixos-system-nixos-20.09.git.c156a866dd7M init=/nix/store/3adz0xnfnr71hrg84nyawg2rqxrva3x3-nixos-system-nixos-20.09.git.c156a866dd7M/init console=ttyS0,115200 earlyprintk=serial,ttyS0,115200 loglevel=4 initrd ($drive2)/nix/store/7q64073svk689cvk36z78zj7y2ifgjdv-initrd-linux-5.5.3/initrd } '';
If there are differences in any of
search --set=drive1...
,search --set=drive2...
,linux ($drive2)/nix/store...
lines, editconfiguration.nix
content and copy those lines fromgrub.cfg
menuentry"NixOS - Default"
. They must be exactly the same. -
Update system for the last time.
sudo nixos-rebuild switch -I nixpkgs=~/nixpkgs
Reboot platform
"NixOS - Secure Launch"
entry in grub menu and check if platform boots correctly.
Requirements verification - LZ content and layout
There are two requirements which LZ must met:
bootloader information header in LZ should be moved at the end of the LZ binary or the end of code section of the LZ.
the size of the measured part of the SLB must be set to the code size only.
Bootloader information header is special data structure which layout is
hardcoded in
landing-zone source code.
The requirement is to keep that data in lz_header.bin
file after code section.
Hence, when SKINIT instruction makes measurements of the Landing Zone, only code
section is measured. Verification of above requirements can be carried out like
file from non-debug landing-zone package to home directory.1
cp /nix/store/lf763br9hm0ipp76k2p16iq75x3xpgrm-landing-zone-0.3.0/lz_header.bin ~/lz_header.bin
Check the value of second word of
file usinghexdump
tool.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
$ hexdump -C ~/lz_header.bin | head 00000000 d4 01 00 d0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................| 00000010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................| * 000001d0 00 00 00 00 89 c5 8d a5 00 02 00 00 b9 14 01 01 |................| 000001e0 c0 0f 32 83 e0 f9 0f 30 01 ad bc 27 00 00 01 ad |..2....0...'....| 000001f0 52 02 00 00 01 ad 00 90 00 00 01 ad 00 80 00 00 |R...............| 00000200 01 ad 08 80 00 00 01 ad 10 80 00 00 01 ad 18 80 |................| 00000210 00 00 01 ad 00 40 00 00 0f 01 95 ba 27 00 00 b8 |.....@......'...| 00000220 10 00 00 00 8e d8 8e c0 0f 20 e1 83 c9 20 0f 22 |......... ... ."| 00000230 e1 8d 85 00 90 00 00 0f 22 d8 b9 80 00 00 c0 0f |........".......|
Value of second word (
00 d0
) is size of code section and concurrently offset (address) of bootloader information header. Used notation is little-endian so the value is actually0xd000
(NOT 0x00d0). -
Check the content of
file from0xd000
address.1 2 3 4 5 6 7
$ hexdump -C -s 0xd000 ~/lz_header.bin | head 0000d000 78 f1 26 8e 04 92 11 e9 83 2a c8 5b 76 c4 cc 02 |x.&......*.[v...| 0000d010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................| * 0000d030 04 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 47 4e 55 00 |............GNU.| 0000d040 01 00 00 c0 04 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................| 0000d050
As you can see, there is
78 f1 26 8e 04 92 11 e9 83 2a c8 5b 76 c4 cc 02
data under 0xd000 address. -
If above data is the same as in data structure in landing-zone source code then it is bootloader information header. In given example, it is placed after code section in LZ.
Debug version of landing zone can be checked exactly the same way. Just make sure, you read address properly, as it probably isn’t the same value as in non-debug landing-zone.
file from debug landing-zone package to home directory. Rename it tolz_header_debug.bin
cp /nix/store/5a6kapnjxs8dj4jp49qagz1mw2r6hnr2-landing-zone-debug-0.3.0/lz_header.bin ~/lz_header_debug.bin
Check value of second word of
file usinghexdump
tool.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
$ hexdump -C ~/lz_header_debug.bin | head 00000000 d4 01 00 e0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................| 00000010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................| * 000001d0 00 00 00 00 89 c5 8d a5 00 02 00 00 b9 14 01 01 |................| 000001e0 c0 0f 32 83 e0 f9 0f 30 01 ad ac 2b 00 00 01 ad |..2....0...+....| 000001f0 52 02 00 00 01 ad 00 a0 00 00 01 ad 00 90 00 00 |R...............| 00000200 01 ad 08 90 00 00 01 ad 10 90 00 00 01 ad 18 90 |................| 00000210 00 00 01 ad 00 50 00 00 0f 01 95 aa 2b 00 00 b8 |.....P......+...| 00000220 10 00 00 00 8e d8 8e c0 0f 20 e1 83 c9 20 0f 22 |......... ... ."| 00000230 e1 8d 85 00 a0 00 00 0f 22 d8 b9 80 00 00 c0 0f |........".......|
Value of the second word (
00 e0
) is size of code section and concurrently offset (address) of bootloader information header. Used notation is little-endian so the offset is actually0xe000
(NOT 0x00e0). -
Check the content of
file from0xe000
address.1 2 3 4 5 6 7
$ hexdump -C -s 0xe000 ~/lz_header_debug.bin | head 0000e000 78 f1 26 8e 04 92 11 e9 83 2a c8 5b 76 c4 cc 02 |x.&......*.[v...| 0000e010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................| * 0000e030 04 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 47 4e 55 00 |............GNU.| 0000e040 01 00 00 c0 04 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................| 0000e050
As you can see, there is
78 f1 26 8e 04 92 11 e9 83 2a c8 5b 76 c4 cc 02
data under 0xe000 address. -
If above data is the same as in data structure in landing-zone source code then it is bootloader information header. In given example, it is placed after code section in LZ.
Enable DRTM in custom Linux built
We are using the Yocto Project to build our
custom Linux distribution. Besides the standard meta-layers
, we also use the
meta-pcengines and
meta-trenchboot layers. You can
learn more about the meta-pcengines
usage in our others posts, like
this one. To use
the custom Linux distribution on your PC Engines apu2 platform, all you need to
have is:
- SSD disk to store image.
- Linux operating system (e.g. Debian) with
tool to flash SSD disk. - tb-minimal-image-pcengines-apu2.wic.bmap file.
- tb-minimal-image-pcengines-apu2.wic.gz file.
files are built from
3mdeb/meta-trenchboot repository
with our CI/CD system. You can build those images on your own by following
instruction in repository. However, we recommend to use our images, which are
already tested on hardware and can be downloaded from
our GitLab CI.
Installation procedure will cover second scenario.
Procedure that will be presented shortly is conventional disk flashing process
with usage of bmaptool
. Therefore, steps 1-3 can be carried out on any
machine with Linux. In this particular example, we are using only PC Engines
apu2 platform with iPXE enabled and SSD disk included.
Boot to Linux based operating system.
In our case it is Debian Stable 4.16 booted via iPXE.
Download tb-minimal-image.bmap and tb-minimal-image.gz files from GitLab CI.
Our GitLab CI infrastructure is described in next article. For now, you need to know that you can download release images from 3mdeb/meta-trenchboot/pipelines tags tab.
1 2
wget -O unzip
flash SSD disk with downloaded image.IMPORTANT: Make sure to use proper target device - /dev/sdX. In our case it is /dev/sda, but can be different for you.
Usage of bmaptool is:
bmaptool copy --bmap <image.wic.bmap> <image.wic.gz> </dev/sdX>
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
$ bmaptool copy --bmap tb-minimal-image-pcengines-apu2.wic.bmap tb-minimal-image-pcengines-apu2.wic.gz /dev/sda [ 1076.049347] sda: sda1 sda2 bmaptool: info: block map format version 2.0 bmaptool: info: 532480 blocks of size 4096 (2.0 GiB), mapped 48007 blocks (187.5 MiB or 9.0%) bmaptool: info: copying image 'tb-minimal-image-pcengines-apu2.wic.gz' to block device '/dev/sda' using bmap file 'tb-minimal-image-pcengines-apu2.wic.bmap' (...) bmaptool: info: 99% copied [ 1120.645490] sda: sda1 sda2
Reboot platform and boot from just flashed SSD disk.
You should see GRUB menu with 2 entries:
- boot - it is ‘normal’ boot without DRTM
- secure-boot - it is boot with DRTM enabled
entry, verify bootlog and enjoy platform with DRTM!At the beginning, there should be similar output:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
grub_cmd_slaunch:122: check for manufacturer grub_cmd_slaunch:126: check for cpuid grub_cmd_slaunch:136: set slaunch grub_cmd_slaunch_module:156: check argc grub_cmd_slaunch_module:161: check relocator grub_cmd_slaunch_module:170: open file grub_cmd_slaunch_module:175: get size grub_cmd_slaunch_module:180: allocate memory grub_cmd_slaunch_module:192: addr: 0x100000 grub_cmd_slaunch_module:194: target: 0x100000 grub_cmd_slaunch_module:196: add module grub_cmd_slaunch_module:205: read file grub_cmd_slaunch_module:215: close file grub_slaunch_boot_skinit:41: real_mode_target: 0x8b000 grub_slaunch_boot_skinit:42: prot_mode_target: 0x1000000 grub_slaunch_boot_skinit:43: params: 0xcfe2391 code32_start 0x0000000001000000: (...)
It indicates that DRTM is enabled and executed. For details about bootflow and DRTM verification we refer to previous article in which it is precisely described.
If you followed showed procedures, you should have up-to-date DRTM in your NixOS or custom Linux image with DRTM enabled. As mentioned at the beginning, in next article we introduce our CI/CD system. You will see how it improve development and how entire community will take advantage of it.
If you think we can help in improving the security of your firmware or you
looking for someone who can boost your product by leveraging advanced features
of used hardware platform, feel free to
book a call with us or
drop us email to contact<at>3mdeb<dot>com
. If you are interested in similar
content feel free to sign up for our newsletter