UPDATE: At time of releasing this blog post, we were missing TPM1.2 verification and kernel measurements requirements. It is done now. As a result, we have added/updated following sections:
- Landing Zone update section with procedure how to update Landing Zone only;
- Landing Zone section with explanation of extending PCRs by Landing Zone and kernel, so it should be easily distinguished;
- Landing Zone section with check if LZ utilizes SHA1 algorithm when using TPM1.2 module requirement verification;
- Changes in source code section with point to exact place in LZ’s code, where SHA1 algorithm is utilized;
In previous article I introduced project’s basics. I explained briefly what parts of system are necessary in DRTM and how to prepare them. Now, let’s try to build them, so you can enjoy having secure platform too. Also, we will verify first requirements which are already met in project.
We are using PC Engines apu2 platform with coreboot and NixOS. Procedures which are presented further in article are done for that exact configuration. If you want to perform any operations step-by-step, I strongly recommend to use exactly the same setup.
At this stage, I assume you have already installed NixOS according to our instructions. If yes, then we can start process of enabling DRTM.
Quick reminder - boot flow
Before we execute essential part, I would like to pass through quick reminder. Don’t worry, I won’t give a lecture or bring unfamiliar concepts. I want to show you differences between platform without DRTM and with DRTM. It is presented in graphical form, so it will be easier to visualize it.
A normal boot process without DRTM enabled, typically looks like this:
GRUB bootloader directly loads Linux kernel and whereby NixOS boots. As you know, by modifying GRUB, Linux kernel and adding special boot modules, we enable DRTM. Then, the boot process looks like this:
You can clearly see 3 additional elements, which are slaunch module, SKINIT and Landing Zone. Their functionality should be already known by you. Briefly, it is DRTM stage, when platform boots.
Now, when you can visualize differences, you will learn how to switch your platform from the first case to the second one. Let’s do it!
System customization - enabling DRTM
It is the first thing we need to do. Clean NixOS doesn’t meet all requirements.
First of all, we want to replace default nixpkgs
with our custom one. Second
of all, as it doesn’t have all necessary packages installed by default, we want
to add them.
Fortunately, customization of NixOS will demand its configuration update, but not entire system re-installation. Moreover, there is no need to install every single package manually. Of course, it still can be done if you wish. However, entire process of enabling DRTM is automated by us to minimize user’s effort. So much for the introduction - now we can finally run the procedure. Boot to NixOS and follow these steps:
is binary cache hosting. It allows to store binary files, so there is no need to build them on your own. If it is not very useful for small builds, it is very handy for large ones e.g. Linux kernel binary.1
nix-env -iA cachix -f https://cachix.org/api/v1/install
Add 3mdeb cachix hosting as default.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
$ cachix use 3mdeb Cachix configuration written to /etc/nixos/cachix.nix. Binary cache 3mdeb configuration written to /etc/nixos/cachix/3mdeb.nix. To start using cachix add the following to your /etc/nixos/configuration.nix: imports = [ ./cachix.nix ]; Then run: $ sudo nixos-rebuild switch
Meet above requirement by editing
.Probably vim editor is not available at this stage. Instead of vim, you can use nano.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
$ nano /etc/nixos/configuration.nix (...) imports = [ # Include the results of the hardware scan. ./hardware-configuration.nix ./cachix.nix ]; (...)
Don’t rebuild NixOS yet. It will be done later.
Install git package.
nix-env -iA nixos.git
Clone 3mdeb/nixpkgs repository.
3mdeb nixpkgs
contains additional packages compared with default NixOSnixpkgs
, so everything is in one place. Most of all, there are:- grub-tb - custom
GRUB2 with
module enabled; - landing-zone - LZ without debug flag
- landing-zone-debug - LZ with debug
- linux-5.1 - custom Linux kernel with initrd
1 2 3 4
$ git clone https://github.com/3mdeb/nixpkgs.git -b trenchboot_support_2020.03 (...) $ ls nixpkgs
- grub-tb - custom
GRUB2 with
Update (rebuild) NixOS.
sudo nixos-rebuild switch -I nixpkgs=~/nixpkgs
-I nixpkgs=~/nixpkgs
flag is needful here! It replaces defaultnixpkgs
with previously downloaded one. Make sure the directory is valid (we have it in home (~)). If you follow our instruction step-by-step, you have it also there. -
Reboot platform.
DRTM is not enabled yet! Boot to NixOS and finish configuration.
Clone 3mdeb/nixos-trenchboot-configs repository.
This repository contains all necessary NixOS configuration files in ready-to-use form, so there is no need to edit them by hand at this moment.
git clone https://github.com/3mdeb/nixos-trenchboot-configs.git
folder.1 2 3
$ cd nixos-trenchboot-configs/ $ ls configuration.nix linux-5.1.nix MANUAL.md README.md tb-config.nix
Among listed files, most interesting one is
. Customizing it saves time and work compared with tools and package manual installs. Manual work is good for small and fast builds. The more (and more significant) changes you want to do, the more efficient way is to re-build your NixOS system. That is done by editingconfiguration.nix
file. As you already know, among others we want to rebuild Linux kernel, replace GRUB bootloader and install custom packages. That is why we decided to prepare new config and re-install NixOS.Let’s take a closer look at its content. Entire file is rather large, so the output will be truncated and only essential parts/lines will be mentioned.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57
$ cat configuration.nix (...) imports = [ # Include the results of the hardware scan. ./hardware-configuration.nix ./cachix.nix ./linux-5.1.nix ]; (...) boot.loader.grub.device = "/dev/sda"; # or "nodev" for efi only boot.loader.grub.extraEntries = '' menuentry "NixOS - Secure Launch" { search --set=drive1 --fs-uuid 178473b0-282f-4994-96fc-a8e51e2cfdac search --set=drive2 --fs-uuid 178473b0-282f-4994-96fc-a8e51e2cfdac slaunch skinit slaunch_module ($drive2)/boot/lz_header linux ($drive2)/nix/store/ymvcgas7b1bv76n35r19g4p142v4cr0b-linux-5.1.0/bzImage systemConfig=/nix/store/b32wgz392q99cls12pkd8adddzbdkprn-nixos-system-nixos-20.09.git.50c3e448fceM init=/nix/store/b32wgz392q99cls12pkd8adddzbdkprn-nixos-system-nixos-20.09.git.50c3e448fceM/init console=ttyS0,115200 earlyprintk=serial,ttyS0,115200 loglevel=4 initrd ($drive2)/nix/store/zv2vl35xldkbss1y2fib1nifmw0yvick-initrd-linux-5.1.0/initrd } ''; # OS utilities environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.pkg-config pkgs.git pkgs.gnumake pkgs.autoconf pkgs.automake pkgs.gettext pkgs.python pkgs.m4 pkgs.libtool pkgs.bison pkgs.flex pkgs.gcc pkgs.gcc_multi pkgs.libusb pkgs.ncurses pkgs.freetype pkgs.qemu pkgs.lvm2 pkgs.unifont pkgs.fuse pkgs.gnulib pkgs.stdenv pkgs.nasm pkgs.binutils pkgs.tpm2-tools pkgs.tpm2-tss pkgs.landing-zone pkgs.landing-zone-debug pkgs.grub-tb ]; # Grub override nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides = pkgs: { grub2 = pkgs.grub-tb; };
- we import
service and custom linux 5.1 kernel to be built; - adjust GRUB entries to boot
and change directories ofbzImage
(Linux kernel) andinitrd
to custom ones; - add all necessary system packages (i.a.
); - override default GRUB package with custom one;
- we import
Copy all configuration files to
cp nixos-trenchboot-configs/*.nix /etc/nixos
Update (re-build) system.
1 2 3
$ sudo nixos-rebuild switch -I nixpkgs=~/nixpkgs building Nix... building the system configuration...
Reboot platform.
DRTM is not enabled yet. Choose
"NixOs - Default"
entry in GRUB menu. -
Install GRUB2-TrenchBoot to
grub-install /dev/sda
Remember to choose proper device (disk) - in our case it is
. -
Ensure that
module is present in/boot/grub/i386-pc/
.1 2
$ ls /boot/grub/i386-pc | grep slaunch slaunch.mod
Find Landing Zone package in
.1 2 3 4 5
$ ls /nix/store/ | grep landing-zone 5q92f6l4s1jfbw5ygfr1sd4hlczjj6l2-landing-zone-0.3.0.drv 6v15ikqsyqk5fs0jg1n6755dp1nr6cyc-landing-zone-debug-0.3.0.drv dnpqvb64jjr3x2kxx92wvdkvmah72h6m-landing-zone-debug-0.3.0 zpcf7yf1fjf9slz2sr2f6s3wl3ch1har-landing-zone-0.3.0
Package without
in its name and without .drv extension is what we are looking for. -
cp /nix/store/zpcf7yf1fjf9slz2sr2f6s3wl3ch1har-landing-zone-0.3.0/lz_header.bin /boot/lz_header
file and itsNixOS - Default
menu entry. Adjust/etc/nixos/configuration.nix
and itsboot.loader.grub.extraEntries
line to have exactly the same directories included.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
$ cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg (...) menuentry "NixOS - Default" { search --set=drive1 --fs-uuid fcc62677-b961-4ccf-bd66-376db104240f search --set=drive2 --fs-uuid fcc62677-b961-4ccf-bd66-376db104240f linux ($drive2)/nix/store/ymvcgas7b1bv76n35r19g4p142v4cr0b-linux-5.1.0/bzImage systemConfig=/nix/store/1mgqiy35hksf0r66gfffrl76s2img9z2-nixo s-system-nixos-20.09.git.c36910d42c5 init=/nix/store/1mgqiy35hksf0r66gfffrl76s2img9z2-nixos-system-nixos-20.09.git.c36910d42c5/init console=tt yS0,115200 earlyprintk=serial,ttyS0,115200 loglevel=4 initrd ($drive2)/nix/store/gyqhrgvapfhfqq8x1km3z9ipv7phcadq-initrd-linux-5.1.0/initrd } (...)
content as aboveconfiguration.nix
must haveboot.loader.grub.extraEntries
line like this:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
$ cat /etc/nixos/configuration.nix (...) boot.loader.grub.extraEntries = '' menuentry "NixOS - Secure Launch" { search --set=drive1 --fs-uuid fcc62677-b961-4ccf-bd66-376db104240f search --set=drive2 --fs-uuid fcc62677-b961-4ccf-bd66-376db104240f slaunch skinit slaunch_module ($drive2)/boot/lz_header linux ($drive2)/nix/store/ymvcgas7b1bv76n35r19g4p142v4cr0b-linux-5.1.0/bzImage systemConfig=/nix/store/1mgqiy35hksf0r66gfffrl76s2img9z2-nixos-system-nixos-20.09.git.c36910d42c5 init=/nix/store/1mgqiy35hksf0r66gfffrl76s2img9z2-nixos-system-nixos-20.09.git.c36910d42c5/init console=ttyS0,115200 earlyprintk=serial,ttyS0,115200 loglevel=4 initrd ($drive2)/nix/store/gyqhrgvapfhfqq8x1km3z9ipv7phcadq-initrd-linux-5.1.0/initrd } '';
If there are differences in any of
search --set=drive1...
,search --set=drive2...
,linux ($drive2)/nix/store...
lines, editconfiguration.nix
content and copy those lines fromgrub.cfg
menuentry"NixOS - Default"
. They must be exactly the same. -
Update system for the last time.
sudo nixos-rebuild switch -I nixpkgs=~/nixpkgs
Reboot platform.
During platform booting, in GRUB menu there should be at least
"NixOS - Default"
and "NixOS - Secure Launch"
entries. First entry boots
platform without DRTM. Second entry executes DRTM! Choose the second entry
and see if platform boots successfully. If yes, you have secure platform with
DRTM enabled.
You can still be suspicious, if it really works. And rightly so. In this section, I will show you, how to verify each component of the system to make you sure about its correctness. Also, I will present how we met first stage project’s requirement.
There are two ways to validate if GRUB will load slaunch
module and hence run
Verify content of grub.cfg
In “NixOS - Secure Launch” entry there must be slaunch skinit
entry and
slaunch_module ($drive2)/boot/lz_header
which points to LZ.
Compare bootlog with DRTM and without DRTM
Reboot platform. In GRUB menu choose
"NixOS - Default"
entry (without DRTM).Collect logs during boot to be able to verify them. Using
command in NixOS doesn’t work because it doesn’t show pre-kernel stage logs! Correct bootlog is shown below.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
early console in extract_kernel input_data: 0x00000000023eb3b1 input_len: 0x0000000000424e94 output: 0x0000000001000000 output_len: 0x00000000017e7398 kernel_total_size: 0x000000000142c000 trampoline_32bit: 0x000000000009d000 booted via startup_32() Physical KASLR using RDTSC... Virtual KASLR using RDTSC... Decompressing Linux... Parsing ELF... Performing relocations... done. Booting the kernel. [ 0.000000] Linux version 5.1.0 (nixbld@localhost) (gcc version 9.2.0 (GCC)) #1-NixOS SMP Thu Jan 1 00:00:01 UTC 1970 [ 0.000000] Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=(hd0,msdos1)/nix/store/ymvcgas7b1bv76n35r19g4p142v4cr0b-linux-5.1.0/bzImage systemConfig=/nix/store/74 [ 0.000000] x86/fpu: Supporting XSAVE feature 0x001: 'x87 floating point registers' (...) <<< Welcome to NixOS 20.09.git.a070e686875 (x86_64) - ttyS0 >>> Run 'nixos-help' for the NixOS manual.
Verification: As expected, bootloader executes Linux kernel directly. Platform booted without DRTM then.
Reboot platform once again. In GRUB menu choose
"NixOS - Secure Launch"
entry.Once again, collect logs during boot to be able to verify them. Using
command in NixOS doesn’t work, as in previous case. Correct bootlog is shown below.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
grub_cmd_slaunch:122: check for manufacturer grub_cmd_slaunch:126: check for cpuid grub_cmd_slaunch:136: set slaunch grub_cmd_slaunch_module:156: check argc grub_cmd_slaunch_module:161: check relocator grub_cmd_slaunch_module:170: open file grub_cmd_slaunch_module:175: get size grub_cmd_slaunch_module:180: allocate memory grub_cmd_slaunch_module:192: addr: 0x100000 grub_cmd_slaunch_module:194: target: 0x100000 grub_cmd_slaunch_module:196: add module grub_cmd_slaunch_module:205: read file grub_cmd_slaunch_module:215: close file grub_slaunch_boot_skinit:41: real_mode_target: 0x8a000 grub_slaunch_boot_skinit:42: prot_mode_target: 0x1000000 grub_slaunch_boot_skinit:43: params: 0xcfe7745early console in extract_kernel input_data: 0x00000000023eb3b1 input_len: 0x0000000000424e94 output: 0x0000000001000000 output_len: 0x00000000017e7398 kernel_total_size: 0x000000000142c000 trampoline_32bit: 0x000000000009d000 booted via startup_32() Physical KASLR using RDTSC... Virtual KASLR using RDTSC... Decompressing Linux... Parsing ELF... Performing relocations... done. Booting the kernel. [ 0.000000] Linux version 5.1.0 (nixbld@localhost) (gcc version 9.2.0 (GCC)) #1-NixOS SMP Thu Jan 1 00:00:01 UTC 1970 [ 0.000000] Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=(hd0,msdos1)/nix/store/ymvcgas7b1bv76n35r19g4p142v4cr0b-linux-5.1.0/bzImage systemConfig=/nix/store/j4 [ 0.000000] x86/fpu: Supporting XSAVE feature 0x001: 'x87 floating point registers' (...) <<< Welcome to NixOS 20.09.git.a070e686875 (x86_64) - ttyS0 >>> Run 'nixos-help' for the NixOS manual.
Verification: As expected, before Linux kernel, there should be
module executed. It proves that DRTM is enabled. There is no information about LZ execution because it is non-debug version.
Landing Zone
As we mentioned in previous article, measurements are done by Landing Zone and
Linux kernel as well. LZ extends only PCR17, kernel extends only PCR18.
It’s important to distinguish those two values. If kernel doesn’t make
measurements, there should be only 00000...
in PCR18. In requirements
verification procedures (presented later), you can notice, that regardless of
using TPM2.0 or TPM1.2 module, PCR17 and PCR18 are both filled with non-zero
values. It proves that both LZ and kernel takes measurements.
There are few aspects which can be verified in LZ. We will focus on those three:
- check if LZ utilizes SHA256 algorithm when using TPM2.0 module
- check if LZ utilizes SHA1 algorithm when using TPM1.2 module
- check if LZ debug option can be enabled
Before moving to validation procedures, update necessary Trenchboot packages to have all latest changes applied.
branch from3mdeb/nixpkgs
repository.1 2 3
cd ~/nixpkgs/ git checkout trenchboot_support_2020.04 git pull
Rebuild NixOS.
sudo nixos-rebuild switch -I nixpkgs=~/nixpkgs
check if LZ utilizes SHA256 algorithm when using TPM2.0 module
If not already booted to
"NixOS - Secure Launch"
, reboot platform and boot to NixOS via"NixOS - Secure Launch"
entry in GRUB menu. -
command.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
$ tpm2_pcrread sha1: 0 : 0x3A3F780F11A4B49969FCAA80CD6E3957C33B2275 1 : 0xFE4F0F826A15FA9E426722AAE12731508D84110D 2 : 0x53DE584DCEF03F6A7DAC1A240A835893896F218D 3 : 0x3A3F780F11A4B49969FCAA80CD6E3957C33B2275 4 : 0x017A3DE82F4A1B77FC33A903FEF6AD27EE92BE04 5 : 0x46DF69CCCFB08DE09E8BC2E8FAAD8D4F942FDD85 6 : 0x3A3F780F11A4B49969FCAA80CD6E3957C33B2275 7 : 0x3A3F780F11A4B49969FCAA80CD6E3957C33B2275 8 : 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 9 : 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 10: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 11: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 12: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 13: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 14: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 15: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 16: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 17: 0xD425110792179753635626B3FAB43E8F657026E2 18: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 19: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 20: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 21: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 22: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 23: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 sha256: 0 : 0xD27CC12614B5F4FF85ED109495E320FB1E5495EB28D507E952D51091E7AE2A72 1 : 0xF4CE533757FFD1AA737A15D0D6804CAFEBE9FF2B507C696709557E72E49FFD34 2 : 0xFA8791BB6BCE8EBF4AD7B516ADFBBB9B2F1499A8876E2C909135AEBDCCA2D84C 3 : 0xD27CC12614B5F4FF85ED109495E320FB1E5495EB28D507E952D51091E7AE2A72 4 : 0x94855A1DF928211EAB2000178968B4B630B9BAC53B4C34177EE5224E9AAF2304 5 : 0x9DEEEAA62816FDC5BB53C83AEDE49BAD1F92A7DABC35A9548253A3B9D535574A 6 : 0xD27CC12614B5F4FF85ED109495E320FB1E5495EB28D507E952D51091E7AE2A72 7 : 0xD27CC12614B5F4FF85ED109495E320FB1E5495EB28D507E952D51091E7AE2A72 8 : 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 9 : 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 10: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 11: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 12: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 13: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 14: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 15: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 16: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 17: 0x7392BE6CD449323115D11BBC97AF4CB2ADAD25B9CF52D0861F87934FEEA7B03E 18: 0x47D99FC5D85B202479E2D5473224E144B51759EE1F34BBFE8073134E72A073E3 19: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 20: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 21: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 22: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 23: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
script fromlanding-zone
package.This script simulates what should be extended into PCR17 by SKINIT, LZ and kernel during platform booting. It extends both SHA256 and SHA1 values. However, expected result is valid only for SHA256 if used with TPM2.0 device.
To properly execute script, first find correct directory to
. Best way to find exact directories is to see"NixOS - Secure Launch"
entry in/boot/grub/grub.cfg
:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
$ cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg (...) menuentry "NixOS - Secure Launch" { search --set=drive1 --fs-uuid fcc62677-b961-4ccf-bd66-376db104240f search --set=drive2 --fs-uuid fcc62677-b961-4ccf-bd66-376db104240f slaunch skinit slaunch_module ($drive2)/boot/lz_header linux ($drive2)/nix/store/ymvcgas7b1bv76n35r19g4p142v4cr0b-linux-5.1.0/bzImage systemConfig=/nix/store/1mgqiy35hksf0r66gfffrl76s2img9z2-nix4 initrd ($drive2)/nix/store/gyqhrgvapfhfqq8x1km3z9ipv7phcadq-initrd-linux-5.1.0/initrd } (...)
is directory to Linux kernel./nix/store/gyqhrgvapfhfqq8x1km3z9ipv7phcadq-initrd-linux-5.1.0/initrd
is directory to initrd. -
Go to
and run below command:1 2 3 4 5 6
$ cd /nix/store $ ls | grep landing-zone 5q92f6l4s1jfbw5ygfr1sd4hlczjj6l2-landing-zone-0.3.0.drv 6v15ikqsyqk5fs0jg1n6755dp1nr6cyc-landing-zone-debug-0.3.0.drv dnpqvb64jjr3x2kxx92wvdkvmah72h6m-landing-zone-debug-0.3.0 zpcf7yf1fjf9slz2sr2f6s3wl3ch1har-landing-zone-0.3.0
Hash before
is dependent on built version and might be different in yours. Choose non-debug version from above results. -
Go to
cd /nix/store/zpcf7yf1fjf9slz2sr2f6s3wl3ch1har-landing-zone-0.3.0
script.Usage is
./extend_all.sh <directory-to-bzImage> <directory-to-initrd>
It must be executed inside directory containing currently used (debug or non-debug) version of
. You should already be in this directory after previous step. Directories tobzImage
we found in step 3.1 2 3
./extend_all.sh /nix/store/ymvcgas7b1bv76n35r19g4p142v4cr0b-linux-5.1.0/bzImage /nix/store/gyqhrgvapfhfqq8x1km3z9ipv7phcadq-initrd-linux-5.1.0/initrd d91e7f685bcae20f84308eafe46f02eea8fcc90c SHA1 7392be6cd449323115d11bbc97af4cb2adad25b9cf52d0861f87934feea7b03e SHA256
Compare SHA256 value with PCR17 content checked previously with
output. If DRTM is enabled and executes properly, they should be the same. It proves that LZ code utilizes SHA256 algorithm during measurements.
check if LZ utilizes SHA1 algorithm when using TPM1.2 module
If not already booted to
"NixOS - Secure Launch"
, reboot platform and boot to NixOS via"NixOS - Secure Launch"
entry in GRUB menu. -
package to have support for TPM1.2.1 2 3
cd ~/nixpkgs git checkout tpm12_support nix-build -A landing-zone
Go to
directory and search for newly build landing-zone package.1 2 3 4 5 6
$ cd /nix/store $ ls | grep landing-zone 5a6kapnjxs8dj4jp49qagz1mw2r6hnr2-landing-zone-debug-0.3.0 l1b2h84fdw8g0m9aygmv8g3nhbnw9kic-landing-zone-debug-0.3.0.drv lf763br9hm0ipp76k2p16iq75x3xpgrm-landing-zone-0.3.0 mnbh5xahlbzmfa50r60y5z4lph9rd41k-landing-zone-0.3.0.drv
We are looking for entry without
extension. In this particular example, it is5a6kapnjxs8dj4jp49qagz1mw2r6hnr2-landing-zone-debug-0.3.0
. -
from above directory to/boot
cp /nix/store/5a6kapnjxs8dj4jp49qagz1mw2r6hnr2-landing-zone-debug-0.3.0/lz_header.bin /boot/lz_header
Reboot platform to apply changes.
Check PCR values of TPM1.2 module.
Notice, that
is not compatible with TPM1.2 module, so it won’t work!1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
# cat /sys/class/tpm/tpm0/pcrs PCR-00: 3A 3F 78 0F 11 A4 B4 99 69 FC AA 80 CD 6E 39 57 C3 3B 22 75 PCR-01: 40 9C 01 12 67 A9 37 5E BF 5A 5C 43 C6 96 FE 25 AD 0F 02 3B PCR-02: B2 2A 53 5A C8 0C CA 8A 49 AD 1A D8 77 29 82 6F 49 2D 53 7E PCR-03: 3A 3F 78 0F 11 A4 B4 99 69 FC AA 80 CD 6E 39 57 C3 3B 22 75 PCR-04: 01 7A 3D E8 2F 4A 1B 77 FC 33 A9 03 FE F6 AD 27 EE 92 BE 04 PCR-05: 37 0C 7F 87 39 AF DC E7 1F EB 67 FE 83 B2 47 6F D7 B5 59 CD PCR-06: 3A 3F 78 0F 11 A4 B4 99 69 FC AA 80 CD 6E 39 57 C3 3B 22 75 PCR-07: 3A 3F 78 0F 11 A4 B4 99 69 FC AA 80 CD 6E 39 57 C3 3B 22 75 PCR-08: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 PCR-09: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 PCR-10: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 PCR-11: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 PCR-12: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 PCR-13: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 PCR-14: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 PCR-15: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 PCR-16: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 PCR-17: AD CA 0E DC CD A7 EF 26 71 27 51 42 BE C2 E3 95 BF 37 3F 02 PCR-18: EF F6 CC FC 57 41 36 4A DF 29 68 E5 50 81 E8 AF AD 72 B4 7B PCR-19: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 PCR-20: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 PCR-21: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 PCR-22: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 PCR-23: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Execute steps 3-6 from check if LZ utilizes SHA256 algorithm when using TPM2.0 module instruction.
1 2 3
./extend_all.sh /nix/store/3w98shnz1a6nxpqn2wwn728mr12dy3kz-linux-5.5.3/bzImage /nix/store/n9wj42p2kvm84rxr7bwh8qjxmawa447k-initrd-linux-5.5.3/initrd adca0edccda7ef2671275142bec2e395bf373f02 SHA1 b06f177d3fe280bd0bb1cc24ad54930d953751ee028f461a4d352959d10f9fd0 SHA256
Compare SHA1 value with PCR17 content checked previously with
output. If DRTM is enabled and executes properly, they should be the same. It proves that LZ code utilizes SHA1 algorithm during measurements.It is ok, if your PCRs values aren’t exactly the same as in above logs. Since writing this instruction, some changes were most probably added to LZ. Therefore, make sure to always compare values between script and command output on your local machine, rather than with above logs.
Check if LZ debug option can be enabled
Boot NixOS and go to
cd /nix/store/
Find landing-zone package (without debug).
1 2 3 4 5
$ ls /nix/store/ | grep landing-zone 5q92f6l4s1jfbw5ygfr1sd4hlczjj6l2-landing-zone-0.3.0.drv 6v15ikqsyqk5fs0jg1n6755dp1nr6cyc-landing-zone-debug-0.3.0.drv dnpqvb64jjr3x2kxx92wvdkvmah72h6m-landing-zone-debug-0.3.0 zpcf7yf1fjf9slz2sr2f6s3wl3ch1har-landing-zone-0.3.0
We are looking for entry without
extension. In this particular example, it iszpcf7yf1fjf9slz2sr2f6s3wl3ch1har-landing-zone-0.3.0
. -
from above directory to/boot
cp /nix/store/zpcf7yf1fjf9slz2sr2f6s3wl3ch1har-landing-zone-0.3.0/lz_header.bin /boot/lz_header
Reboot platform and choose
"NixOS - Secure Launch"
entry in GRUB.Collect logs during boot to be able to verify them. Using
command in NixOS doesn’t work because it doesn’t show pre-kernel stage logs. Correct bootlog is shown below.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
grub_cmd_slaunch:122: check for manufacturer grub_cmd_slaunch:126: check for cpuid grub_cmd_slaunch:136: set slaunch grub_cmd_slaunch_module:156: check argc grub_cmd_slaunch_module:161: check relocator grub_cmd_slaunch_module:170: open file grub_cmd_slaunch_module:175: get size grub_cmd_slaunch_module:180: allocate memory grub_cmd_slaunch_module:192: addr: 0x100000 grub_cmd_slaunch_module:194: target: 0x100000 grub_cmd_slaunch_module:196: add module grub_cmd_slaunch_module:205: read file grub_cmd_slaunch_module:215: close file grub_slaunch_boot_skinit:41: real_mode_target: 0x8a000 grub_slaunch_boot_skinit:42: prot_mode_target: 0x1000000 grub_slaunch_boot_skinit:43: params: 0xcfe7745early console in extract_kernel input_data: 0x00000000023eb3b1 input_len: 0x0000000000424e94 output: 0x0000000001000000 output_len: 0x00000000017e7398 kernel_total_size: 0x000000000142c000 trampoline_32bit: 0x000000000009d000 booted via startup_32() Physical KASLR using RDTSC... Virtual KASLR using RDTSC... Decompressing Linux... Parsing ELF... Performing relocations... done. Booting the kernel. [ 0.000000] Linux version 5.1.0 (nixbld@localhost) (gcc version 9.2.0 (GCC)) #1-NixOS SMP Thu Jan 1 00:00:01 UTC 1970 [ 0.000000] Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=(hd0,msdos1)/nix/store/ymvcgas7b1bv76n35r19g4p142v4cr0b-linux-5.1.0/bzImage systemConfig=/nix/store/j4 [ 0.000000] x86/fpu: Supporting XSAVE feature 0x001: 'x87 floating point registers' (...) <<< Welcome to NixOS 20.09.git.a070e686875 (x86_64) - ttyS0 >>> Run 'nixos-help' for the NixOS manual.
Verification: We have chosen
(LZ) without debug. Above log is correct example for such case. Pre-kernel logs are limited to minimum. -
Go to
cd /nix/store/
Find landing-zone package (with debug).
1 2 3
$ ls /nix/store/ | grep landing-zone-debug 6v15ikqsyqk5fs0jg1n6755dp1nr6cyc-landing-zone-debug-0.3.0.drv dnpqvb64jjr3x2kxx92wvdkvmah72h6m-landing-zone-debug-0.3.0
is directory we are looking for. -
from above directory to/boot
cp /nix/store/dnpqvb64jjr3x2kxx92wvdkvmah72h6m-landing-zone-debug-0.3.0/lz_header.bin /boot/lz_header
Reboot platform and choose
"NixOS - Secure Launch"
entry in GRUB.Once again, collect logs during boot to be able to verify them. Using
command in NixOS doesn’t work, as in previous case. Correct bootlog is shown below.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93
grub_cmd_slaunch:122: check for manufacturer grub_cmd_slaunch:126: check for cpuid grub_cmd_slaunch:136: set slaunch grub_cmd_slaunch_module:156: check argc grub_cmd_slaunch_module:161: check relocator grub_cmd_slaunch_module:170: open file grub_cmd_slaunch_module:175: get size grub_cmd_slaunch_module:180: allocate memory grub_cmd_slaunch_module:192: addr: 0x100000 grub_cmd_slaunch_module:194: target: 0x100000 grub_cmd_slaunch_module:196: add module grub_cmd_slaunch_module:205: read file grub_cmd_slaunch_module:215: close file grub_slaunch_boot_skinit:41: real_mode_target: 0x8a000 grub_slaunch_boot_skinit:42: prot_mode_target: 0x1000000 grub_slaunch_boot_skinit:43: params: 0xcfe7746sl_stub_entry_offset: 0x00000000014318a8: d0 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 0x00000000014318b8: 23 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 66 66 2e 0f #...........ff.. 0x00000000014318c8: 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 90 fa fc 8d a5 c4 9c 43 00 ..............C. 0x00000000014318d8: 01 ad 72 6c 43 00 0f 01 95 70 6c 43 00 b8 10 00 ..rlC....plC.... 0x00000000014318e8: 00 00 8e d8 8e c0 8e e0 8e e8 8e d0 8d 85 fe 18 ................ 0x00000000014318f8: 43 00 6a 08 50 cb b9 1b 00 00 00 0f 32 a9 00 01 C.j.P.......2... 0x0000000001431908: 00 00 75 02 0f 0b bf 01 00 00 00 31 c0 0f a2 81 ..u........1.... 0x0000000001431918: fb 47 65 6e 75 0f 85 82 00 00 00 81 fa 69 6e 65 .Genu........ine 0x0000000001431928: 49 75 7a 81 f9 6e 74 65 6c 75 72 bf 02 00 00 00 Iuz..ntelur..... 0x0000000001431938: c7 85 b0 6c 43 00 02 00 00 00 ff 85 bc 6c 43 00 ...lC........lC. 0x0000000001431948: 31 db b8 07 00 00 00 0f 37 8d 85 5c 19 43 00 9c 1.......7..\.C.. 0x0000000001431958: 6a 08 50 cf c7 05 30 00 d2 fe 00 00 00 00 c7 05 j.P...0......... 0x0000000001431968: 08 00 d2 fe ff ff ff ff a1 00 03 d2 fe 8b 08 8d ................ 0x0000000001431978: 44 08 08 8b 70 04 89 a8 34 02 00 00 8b b8 3c 02 D...p...4.....<. 0x0000000001431988: 00 00 89 bd c0 6c 43 00 50 56 e8 e9 00 00 00 5e .....lC.PV.....^ 0x0000000001431998: e8 c3 01 00 00 5f e8 5d 01 00 00 eb 0e c7 85 b0 ....._.]........ shasum calculated: 0x00000000001001b0: ed a5 f1 9e 28 0e d8 b3 5a de bc b6 e7 15 c8 de ....(...Z....... 0x00000000001001c0: 1f bb 2c aa f2 8a af c8 a0 2f d3 60 d5 d0 78 a1 ..,....../.`..x. PCR extended pm_kernel_entry: 0x00000000010001d0: 8d ab 30 fe ff ff e9 f5 16 43 00 00 00 00 00 00 ..0......C...... 0x00000000010001e0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ ... 0x0000000001000200: 31 c0 8e d8 8e c0 8e d0 8e e0 8e e8 48 8d 2d ed 1...........H.-. 0x0000000001000210: fd ff ff 8b 86 30 02 00 00 ff c8 48 01 c5 48 f7 .....0.....H..H. 0x0000000001000220: d0 48 21 c5 48 81 fd 00 00 00 01 7d 07 48 c7 c5 .H!.H......}.H.. 0x0000000001000230: 00 00 00 01 8b 9e 60 02 00 00 81 eb 00 60 46 00 ......`......`F. 0x0000000001000240: 48 01 eb 48 8d a3 40 de 44 00 48 31 c0 e8 00 00 H..H..@.D.H1.... 0x0000000001000250: 00 00 5f 48 81 ef 52 02 00 00 e8 3e 50 42 00 48 .._H..R....>PB.H 0x0000000001000260: 8d 05 e4 68 43 00 48 89 05 d5 68 43 00 0f 01 15 ...hC.H...hC.... 0x0000000001000270: cc 68 43 00 56 48 89 f7 e8 b3 a9 42 00 5e 48 89 .hC.VH.....B.^H. 0x0000000001000280: c1 48 8d 3d 0c 00 00 00 6a 08 48 8d 80 00 10 00 .H.=....j.H..... 0x0000000001000290: 00 50 48 cb 48 8d a3 40 de 44 00 56 48 8d bb 00 .PH.H..@.D.VH... 0x00000000010002a0: 50 46 00 e8 c8 ab 42 00 5e 6a 00 9d e8 00 00 00 PF....B.^j...... 0x00000000010002b0: 00 58 48 2d b1 02 00 00 48 89 df e8 dd 4f 42 00 .XH-....H....OB. 0x00000000010002c0: 56 48 8d 35 70 9b 43 00 48 8d bb 38 9e 43 00 48 VH.5p.C.H..8.C.H zero_page: 0x000000000008a000: 00 0d 00 80 00 00 03 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 19 01 .......P........ 0x000000000008a010: 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 0x000000000008a020: 3f a3 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ?............... 0x000000000008a030: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ ... 0x000000000008a0d0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 a0 10 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 0x000000000008a0e0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ ... lz_base: 0x0000000000100000: d4 01 00 d0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 0x0000000000100010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ ... 0x0000000000100060: 19 19 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 0x0000000000100070: b0 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 aa f3 e2 dc ........@....... 0x0000000000100080: 00 29 10 00 00 00 00 00 1a 13 e2 aa 1d af ab 59 .).............Y 0x0000000000100090: cc 8e 1e 1c 68 42 f8 12 28 01 10 00 00 00 00 00 ....hB..(....... 0x00000000001000a0: b3 e1 3a e9 08 00 00 00 58 01 10 00 00 00 00 00 ..:.....X....... 0x00000000001000b0: 4b 88 d2 cb 27 91 a5 53 bb 49 64 ae 32 40 a6 ce K...'..S.Id.2@.. 0x00000000001000c0: aa a1 96 a1 e6 b4 6c df 8e b7 83 ee 2c 13 aa 8f ......l.....,... 0x00000000001000d0: 98 5a cb bb b0 64 34 b3 5f 8c 20 28 a7 52 64 06 .Z...d4._. (.Rd. 0x00000000001000e0: d1 b4 50 95 e6 2b 8f b2 4d 33 a4 80 ca e5 7d 48 ..P..+..M3....}H 0x00000000001000f0: 30 01 10 00 00 00 00 00 b0 01 10 00 00 00 00 00 0............... early console in extract_kernel input_data: 0x00000000023eb3b1 input_len: 0x0000000000424e94 output: 0x0000000001000000 output_len: 0x00000000017e7398 kernel_total_size: 0x000000000142c000 trampoline_32bit: 0x000000000009d000 booted via startup_32() Physical KASLR using RDTSC... Virtual KASLR using RDTSC... Decompressing Linux... Parsing ELF... Performing relocations... done. Booting the kernel. [ 0.000000] Linux version 5.1.0 (nixbld@localhost) (gcc version 9.2.0 (GCC)) #1-NixOS SMP Thu Jan 1 00:00:01 UTC 1970 [ 0.000000] Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=(hd0,msdos1)/nix/store/ymvcgas7b1bv76n35r19g4p142v4cr0b-linux-5.1.0/bzImage systemConfig=/nix/store/14 [ 0.000000] x86/fpu: Supporting XSAVE feature 0x001: 'x87 floating point registers' (...)
Verification: As you can see, debug output is more verbose than previous one. It has additional information about e.g. LZ, zero page etc. Above procedure proves that LZ is available in debug and non-debug version. Both can be easily adopted by user in NixOS. However, we recommend to use non-debug one.
Changes in source code
Above requirements can be inspected in source code of above components too. I give references to exact places (repository and files), where to find this features.
LZ can be built with and without debug flag; by default it is non-debug build.
Repository: TrenchBoot/landing-zone - tag v0.3.0
LZ code utilizes SHA256 algorithm during measurements with TPM2.0.
Repository: TrenchBoot/landing-zone - tag v0.3.0
LZ code utilizes SHA1 algorithm during measurements with TPM1.2.
Repository: 3mdeb/landing-zone - branch tpm12_fix
LZ implementation of TPM interface cover both TPM2.0 and TPM1.2 and use appropriate SHA algorithm.
Repository: TrenchBoot/landing-zone - tag v0.3.0
Linux kernel utilizes SHA256 during measurements.
Repository: 3mdeb/linux-stable
With theoretical knowledge and now also practice you should be able to enable DRTM on your platform and verify its operations. Further development will bring more features. Each of them will be presented in similar way. Each of them also will be verifiable by you. So stay tuned and follow our social media for more information!
If you think we can help in improving the security of your firmware or you
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of used hardware platform, feel free to
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