
Failure of ECC508A crypto coprocessor initial triage with SAM G55 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit

Published at November 24, 2016 · Piotr Król ·  7 min read

Some time ago (around August 2016) embedded community media were hit with hype around simplified flow for AWS IoT provisioning (1, 2, 3). I’m personally very interested in all categories related to those news: IoT - is 3mdeb business core and despite this term was largely abused these days, we just love to build connected embedded devices. Building this kind of devices is inherently related with firmware deployment, provisioning and update problems....

Categories: firmware iot security

SAMG55 + OLED1 Xplained Pro Hello World!

Published at October 20, 2016 · Piotr Król ·  4 min read

AMG55 - recognition in the field If you are considering working on SAMG55 Xplained Pro board here you will find some basic know-how to quickly get you started. What you will need? In this example I will be using SAMG55 Xplained Pro with OLED1 extension board, and Atmel Studio 7.0 with Data Visualizer addon, which requires Windows to work. This however should be similar for other board with EDBG debugger....

Categories: firmware iot