Update (06/02/2020): Video recordings have been added to the agenda.
Previous Qubes OS ‘minisummit’ 2019 turned out to be fruitful and productive event. Great piece of knowledge has been presented and many ideas came up from long and deep discussions. Positively built with this experience, as observing changes inside security of firmware and computer architecture, we couldn’t miss the opportunity and decided to organize Qubes OS ‘minisummit’, edition 2020. We want to share our knowledge and our experience around topics presented below hoping, that once more, we go far beyond the agenda. This year, we will stand side by side with Frédéric Pierret and Marek Marczykowski-Górecki from QubesOS, covering the following topics:
- Piotr Król DRTM for Qubes OS VMs
- Michał Żygowski Anti Evil Maid for Intel coreboot-based platform
- AMA session
- Frédéric Pierret: How to build Qubes? From components to operating system overview
- Marek Marczykowski-Górecki Operating system testing, when it itself uses virtual machines
- AMA session
An introductory presentation will open 3mdeb and Qubes OS discussion about the topic followed by chat discussion, from which prelegents will choose the most interesting questions to answer. After main presentations, listed in agenda, we will start AMA related to given day theme, also presented in agenda. We hope that the most promising presentations will be transformed into community supported, commercial or publicly founded projects.
Where to link the event?
We are going to stream transmission via OBS on our YouTube 3mdeb channel. All you need to do is joining our live in an appropriate time: all data details you will find below. Minisummit starts right next Wednesday, so the opening presentation goes on the 20th of May at 4:00PM (CEST+2:00), after which we start AMA related to day theme.
Whom will you meet?
Prelections will be held by the team of 3mdeb experts who will share their knowledge and experience discussing AMD SEV and fwupd/LVFS, RTMs in Qubes OS VMs. Among them are Piotr Król, founder and Embedded Systems Consultant at 3mdeb, Michał Żygowski, 3mdeb core developer of coreboot, maintainer of Braswell SoC, PC Engines, Protectli and Libretrend platforms and Norbert Kamiński, Junior Embedded Systems Engineer focused on Linux embedded systems. Qubes OS testing and development will be widely presented by Qubes core developers, Marek Marczykowski-Górecki Project lead in QubesOS, specialized in everything Xen / Linux related and Frédéric Pierret, General packaging, CentOS and Fedora templates maintainer.
Why Qubes OS?
To gain security of an open-source quality.
There is not enough synergy between firmware and operating systems world, especially in the light of heavy use of isolation mechanisms like (nested-)virtualization or cgroups. Co-organizing this event with Qubes OS we would like to build awareness about opportunities that open collaboration can bring to community through correct leveraging of modern platform security features. We hope this activity may convince silicon vendors and their OEM/ODM, that putting more effort in contribution to open source projects has not only ethical implications, but brings better economical results through wider and faster adoption of new hardware. In recent years open-source and security community proven many times its effectiveness in after-market product support and discovering inefficiencies and security issues in the hardware design. – Piotr Król
Qubes OS we try to provide the strongest possible isolation, while preserving usability of the system user interface.
Because modern software is very complex and it is unrealistic to have it bug-free, isolation is the only practical way to mitigate security issues. At Qubes OS we try to provide the strongest possible isolation, while preserving usability of the system user interface. – Marek Marczykowski-Górecki
Why you should join?
To gain practical, valuable first-hand knowledge and meet experts who are happy to answer intriguing questions and share their passion without creating any marketing pitch.
I’m excited about upcoming Qubes OS minisummit, happening thanks to 3mdeb folks. There will be many interesting topics presented by competent people. And also a lot of potential for further collaboration! – Marek Marczykowski-Górecki
We are all waiting for Qubes OS minisummit 2020 where the 3mdeb experts will cover topics related with status fwupd/LVFS support, SRTM and DTRM for Qubes OS and Anti Evil Maid for Intel coreboot-based platform. Qubes OS specialists will tell us how to build and test operating system that uses virtual machines. Every discussion will end with Q&A session where participants will have the opportunity to join discussion. At this point, awaiting for the event, we want to thank both the experts who will devote their time to sharing knowledge and experience, but also the participants of the event, passionate about Qubes OS
If you think we can help in improving Qubes OS support for your hardware, help you with Qubes OS certification on firmware level or you looking for someone who can boost your product by leveraging advanced features of used hardware platform, feel free to book a call with us or drop us email. If you are interested in similar content feel free to sign up for our newsletter