
TrenchBoot Anti Evil Maid for Qubes OS

Published at January 31, 2023 · Michał Żygowski ·  14 min read

Qubes OS Anti Evil Maid (AEM) software heavily depends on the availability of the DRTM technologies to prevent the Evil Maid attacks. However, the project has not evolved much since the beginning of 2018 and froze on the support of TPM 1.2 with Intel TXT in legacy boot mode (BIOS). In the post we show how existing solution can be replaced with TrenchBoot and how one can install it on the Qubes OS. Also the post will also briefly explain how TrenchBoot opens the door for future TPM 2.0 and UEFI support for AEM....

Categories: bootloader firmware hypervisor os-dev security

Infrastructure for Xen development and debugging

Published at July 4, 2022 · Piotr Król · Norbert Kamiński ·  5 min read

Back in 2018 at OSFC, we've presented AMD IOMMU enabling for PC Engines apuX (GX-412TC) platforms. Our hypervisor of choice was Xen and we used it to verify the PCI pass-through feature. Unfortunately, the booting process was not exactly stable. In this article, you can check how to prepare infrastructure for Xen development and debugging...

Categories: firmware os-dev security

Minimal OS for Fobnail

Published at June 23, 2022 · Tomasz Żyjewski ·  7 min read

The Fobnail Token is an open-source hardware USB device that helps to determine the integrity of the system. The purpose of this blog post is to present the development progress of this project. During this phase, we focused on researching OS for hosting Fobnail Attester...

Categories: security

TrenchBoot: Open Source DRTM. Multiboot2 support.

Published at September 7, 2020 · Krystian Hebel ·  11 min read

This month we will show that not only Linux kernel can be started by TrenchBoot. We also did some drastic changes to the bootloader data format, so if you try to redo some older posts in the future and they do not seem to work, this is probably the place to look for hints....

Categories: firmware security

RTE for automated kernel deployment and everyday use

Published at October 3, 2018 · Piotr Król ·  9 min read

We continue our effort to enable IOMMU and as side effect I have to play with various technologies to exercise reliable development environment which base on RTE. In this blog post I would like to present semi-automated technique to debug firmware, Xen and Linux kernel. The goal is to have set of tools that help in enabling various features in Debian-based dom0. We would like: update Linux kernel which is exposed over HTTP server update rootfs provided through NFS I will use following components:...

Categories: firmware os-dev

Xen HVM guests on PC Engines apu2

Published at August 16, 2018 · Piotr Król ·  15 min read

Continuing blog post series around Xen and IOMMU enabling in coreboot we are reaching a point in which some features seem to work correctly on top of recent patch series in firmware. What we can do at this point is PCI passthrough to guest VMs. Previously trying that on Xen caused problems: random hangs firmware cause Linux kernel booting issues (hang during boot) IOMMU disabled - unable to use PCI passthrough Now we can see something like that in dom0:...

Categories: firmware os-dev

How to boot Xen over PXE and NFS on PC Engines apu2

Published at July 18, 2018 · Piotr Król ·  9 min read

From time to time we face requests to correctly enable support for various Xen features on PC Engines apu2 platform. Doing that requires firmware modification, which 3mdeb is responsible for. Xen have very interesting requirements from firmware development perspective. Modern x86 have a bunch of features that support virtualization in hardware. Those features were described in Xen FAQ. It happens that most requesting were IOMMU and SR-IOV. First, give the ability to dedicate PCI device to given VM and second enables so-called Virtual Functions, what means on a physical device (e....

Categories: firmware os-dev